Embracing brotherhood: A call for unity in a divided world

Embracing brotherhood: A call for unity in a divided world

None of the major religions endorse greed, hatred, or harm towards others. Instead, they advocate for understanding, tolerance, and support for fellow human beings.

In recent years, a disturbing trend has emerged in societies worldwide. The fabric of our communities, not confined to specific regions like Kashmir or India, is unravelling as greed and hatred take root among individuals. The consequences are dire: humans are transforming into blood enemies, devoid of empathy. The pursuit of wealth has led to shattered hearts, broken relationships, and severed connections, with a misplaced emphasis on money over human connections. Upon deeper analysis, it becomes evident that the hardening of a person’s heart is often correlated with their distance from their religious beliefs.
The surge in hatred, greed, and jealousy seems to find fertile ground only when individuals lose touch with the teachings of their faith. When they disregard the principles outlined in their holy books and forget the fundamental tenets of their religion, negative traits seep into their hearts and minds. However, maintaining consciousness about religious teachings can act as a safeguard against succumbing to these negative influences. Regardless of one’s religious affiliation—be it Islam, Hinduism, Christianity, or any other faith—a common thread unites them all: a resounding call for brotherhood, love, and empathy.
Islam, for instance, emphasizes the importance of relieving the hardships of believers. The teachings underscore the reciprocal nature of compassion, promising relief in this world and the Hereafter for those who assist others in their difficulties. Concealing the faults of fellow Muslims is also encouraged, with the assurance that Allah will reciprocate by concealing one’s faults.
The Holy Bible echoes similar sentiments in Ephesians 4:32, urging believers to embody compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience. The scripture emphasizes forgiveness, drawing parallels between human forgiveness and the divine forgiveness received from the Lord.
The Holy Gita, a sacred text in Hinduism, emphasizes the qualities of a true devotee. It describes someone who is not envious, treats all living entities with kindness, lacks a sense of ownership, is free from false ego, and remains equanimous in both happiness and distress. Such a devotee, engaged in devotional service with determination, is regarded as dear to the divine In essence, the common thread running through these diverse religious teachings is a call for brotherhood, love, and compassion.
None of the major religions endorse greed, hatred, or harm towards others. Instead, they advocate for understanding, tolerance, and support for fellow human beings. As we navigate the challenges of a globalized and interconnected world, it is crucial to reflect on these universal principles. Regardless of our religious background, embracing the values of brotherhood, love, and empathy can pave the way for a harmonious coexistence. The teachings of Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and other major religions converge on the idea that humanity thrives when individuals uplift and support one another.
In conclusion, the rising tide of greed and hatred in our societies can be stemmed by returning to the core teachings of our respective religions. By fostering a sense of brotherhood, love, and empathy, we can build bridges that transcend religious and cultural divides. In doing so, we not only honour the wisdom of our religious traditions but also contribute to creating a more compassionate and unified world.
The writer is a BA student and can be reached at [email protected]

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