No solution in sight to problems of students in Kashmir

Saraf Ali Students reading this article will very well know the situation we have been facing since we were locked down first in August last year and then again in March this year. Much has been written on the subject of the impact of such extended lockdown on education in Kashmir, but still no heed […]

The scourge of Child Labour

The scourge of Child Labour

Zeeshan Rasool Khan The United Nations defines child labour as work which deprives children of their childhood, their dignity, and potential, and that is harmful to their physical and mental health. It refers to the work that interferes with the schooling of the children and becomes a drag on their overall development. Child labour started […]

A More Divided, Isolated Global Order

Shahid Rasool The lethal combination of an interconnected world and a deadly virus without a cure is taking humanity into uncharted waters. Covid-19 in all likelihood will fundamentally transform the world as we know it. But what is a world order? The will to power can be described as the basis of the world order. […]

The Indus Water Treaty

Raja Furqan Ahmed The Indus Water Treaty between Pakistan and India was signed on 19th September 1960. This treaty is considered as one of the most successful water-sharing agreements in the world. After independence in 1947, the Indus along with other rivers which include Chenab and Jhelum, flows from Jammu and Kashmir into Pakistan. The […]

Avoid Bypass and Angioplasty for Heart Disease with SAAOL

Dr Bimal Chhajer While the Covid pandemic has created panic all around the world, heart ailments still remain one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity. Heart disease is the most common cause of death in most countries of the world. The number of Covid infected people has crossed 2.56 lakh and deaths more […]

Israel has played both US and China, until now

Israel has played both US and China, until now

Israel’s balancing act that allowed it to reap America’s unconditional and, often, blind support, while slowly benefiting from China’s growing economic influence and political prestige, is already floundering. Thanks to the heated cold war between the US and Chinese economic superpowers, the Israeli strategy of playing both sides is unlikely to pay dividends in the […]

Unity is Strength and Duty to Islam

Unity is Strength and Duty to Islam

Parvaiz Ahmad Mir Unity, be it in ideas or any other aspect, is strength while divisions only lead to more divisions. Looking at the current situation of the Muslim world, one observes a long list of divisions. If we remain divided and keep fighting over our differences, we will ultimately damage ourselves and the result […]

BOOK REVIEW: The Man and the Mountain

MUBASHIR IQBAL KITABA Author: Imtiyaz Khan Paperback: 170 pages Publisher: Notion Press 1st Edition published August 19, 2016 The Man and the Mountain’ by Imtiyaz Khan is the story of a believer and a non-believer. It is also a story about mountaineering, and the lessons of life that one learns from mountaineering. A banker has […]

Hope and Despair, both in the air

Hope and Despair, both in the air

Irfan Gul Today the world is completely different from what it was before the coronavirus outbreak in China in December 2019 and its subsequent spread to countries around the world. The situation is reminiscent of the popular lines from Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities: “…it was the spring of hope, it was the […]

The Crisis in Developing Nations

The Crisis in Developing Nations

Waseem Mushtaq The world has been under lockdown for the past many months, resulting in huge economic losses, unemployment, hunger, and lack of basic freedoms. Developed countries like the USA and the UK should have taken the lead in the fight against this virus but both have miserably failed in containing the virus in their […]