Thoughts Matter

Thoughts Matter

It is quite obvious that thoughts are difficult to generate in our life. It requires patience and continuous hard work for thought to come out of our minds. The mind is nothing but a flow of thoughts. We want to think beyond our limits, but we fail to recognise that we always get struck. There are many sources from which we get thoughts like, what we see, what we feel, what we smell, think and behave, and how people appear. When we are quite relieved, free from our worries, and when there is peace of mind available thoughts start to generate. All actions result from thought, so it is thoughts that matter.
The quality of our thoughts depends on how we can cope with the pressure and also on the environmental factors. We want to think without any hindrance from anyone, but this is not possible. We can think for a long without any disturbance to generate a thought, even how much time it takes to get a thought. It is difficult to control overthinking as well as negative thinking. We have to differentiate between positive and negative thinking to put into a well-articulated thought. Negative thoughts lead us to the great troubles which we have to face in our lives. We must all be aware of the side effects of negative thoughts, and what repressions it has on our lives. Anxiety, anger, and restlessness are the outcomes of the negative thoughts. Try to think positively so that your life will be free from all the troubles that we are facing right now
In our lives, we have to bear if we cannot stop and have control over our thoughts, our life will be disastrous. We must always encourage positive thinking in our lives. A wandering mind has less innovative thoughts.
We always forget to give a break to the most powerful part of the body as we are not in a position to stop thinking but we can break the negative outcomes of it by avoiding overthinking. Time and mind are inseparable. If you take your mind out of the equation, the time disappears. Think freely and your worries will automatically come out of your life. We want to express our thoughts properly; we don’t want to be slaves of our thoughts which we are unable to express when it requires most. Every human wants to be free from worries but we are the one who introduces it in our life through our thoughts which we are unable to express properly during our conversations with our fellow men.
All great minds that we have read and heard in our life were very much sure how to utilise their thoughts, how to use them on paper and how to converse with society. It is due to this, their name is known to all. Thoughts are difficult to get in, but once you are patient and have free will and positive thinking; you will get what you want from your life. Greek philosopher Euripides has rightly said ‘A slave is he who cannot speak his thoughts’ Once you replace negative outcomes with positive ones, you will start having positive results. Train your mind to see well in everything and what we want goodness from life will automatically come when our thoughts are clear and free from adulteration. Positive thoughts will make our life free from worries and we will be able to live a cheerful and peaceful life which everyone dreams of.
The writer is a freelance journalist and can be reached at [email protected]

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