Need To Revive The Reading Culture

Need To Revive The Reading Culture

By developing reading habits in our lives and community, we can make sure this practice endures for a number of generations, and the riches preserved in books are passed on to our future generations.

Out of all creatures, human beings have proven to be supreme; this is only because we were able to acquire knowledge and transmit this knowledge from generation to generation over the centuries. This knowledge was recorded in the form of inscriptions, manuscripts, and sculptures, which were finally transformed into the shape of books. Books carried treasures of knowledge and teachings from our ancestors, which they wanted us to acquire and pass on to our future generations. Walt Disney says, “There is more treasure in books than in all the pirate’s loot on Treasure Island.”
Reading is globally recognized as an intellectual activity that leads to personal development. It enlightens a person and leads them in the right direction. History is witness to the fact that scholars, thinkers, philosophers, writers, and poets had very high and esteemed positions in the courts of kings and monarchs and always held distinctive and important positions in the corridors of power. The elites were those who had knowledge of art, literature, history, politics, philosophy, and religion, not the ones who had heaps of wealth. Most of the successful people of all time were good readers.
The practice of reading, once a privileged exercise, is now gradually falling into the obscurity of time. This can be attributed to many factors.
The growing use of the internet has resulted in electronic distractions among people, which has led to a decrease in reading habits. The internet has captured a big slice of time, and reading has taken a back seat. People usually waste their time in mindless browsing on social media networking sites like Facebook, Twitter(X), YouTube, Instagram, etc. We all have digital addictions. People hardly resist getting their phones out of their pockets for a few minutes. Life has also become very fast. People are so occupied with their daily chores between work commitments and family obligations that they struggle to find time for reading regularly. To overcome this, we need to manage our time wisely. Time management is all about prioritizing. Prioritize reading books instead of scrolling social media, avoiding digital screens for longer times. Physical books must be preferred over audio and e-books.
Our education system also contributes to the decrease in reading habits. Children from the very beginning are forced to focus on a particular course. Their fate gets sealed, and goals are well set before they even start to learn. They are not allowed to read anything beyond their curriculum. Students are overburdened by their studies. Young people are not ready to read. Books make them feel bored. Children have too many distractions, and they are pushed into too many activities by their parents to keep up with the rat race as a result of which reading takes a back seat.
There is also a remarkable decrease in the usage of public libraries and bookstores. Parents must play their part in restoring reading habits among children. They must take their children to public libraries as they take them to any picnic spot or amusement park. They should bring good books for them to read and encourage them to read storybooks, journals, and magazines. Reading should be prioritized in schools, communities, and families. Books should be made easily accessible. Teachers too must inspire students to read beyond their curriculum. This will not only broaden their vision but also enhance their overall intelligence and personality.
Through reading, we can improve our internal personal connections with friends, family, colleagues, and children. So whenever we get any opportunity, we should recommend or gift them a book to read. A good book is a good companion; always carry a book to read. Always read a book that inspires you. Read books of different tastes. Sometimes poetry, sometimes prose, sometimes fiction, sometimes non-fiction. Read for your delight and development. Stay away from books that make you bored.
We must set some goals like a particular number of books for this year or a book a month or ten pages daily to improve our reading habits. Make budgets monthly, six-monthly, or yearly to buy books. Investing in reading is investing in yourself. Have memberships in public libraries and reading clubs, and attend literary events and festivals. We must read the books that are available to us, as a book lying idle is wasted ammunition – Henry Miller.
Nowadays, the cost of printing has gone so high, and the quality has degraded. The books look shabby, and readers lose their interest in reading. Publishers must keep these issues in mind to regain the interest of readers.
Reading is more than a hobby. It is a discount ticket in every sphere of life; it is the most vital skill that fosters knowledge, self-improvement, and overall well-being. By developing reading habits in our lives and community, we can make sure this practice endures for a number of generations, and the riches preserved in books are passed on to our future generations.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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