Need to encourage startup culture of youth for employability: KU VC

Need to encourage startup culture of youth for employability: KU VC

Srinagar: To assess the skill gaps and to develop future strategies in the area of skill development, the Centre for Capacity Building and Skill Development (CCBSD), University of Kashmir (KU) organised a two-day national conference on ‘Skill Development Initiatives: Challenges and Future Strategies’ from August 23-24 at the varsity’s Gandhi Bhawan.
The conference aimed to advance the agenda of skill development in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K). Experts and development workers actively involved in the area of skill development participated in the conference.
Vice-Chancellor, University of Kashmir, Prof Nilofer Khan who presided over the valedictory function held Thursday said we need to encourage startups and tap their potential by training them in developing their skills for employability and marketability.
She said, “We have to work together to make our centres more vibrant to build the capacities of our skilled youth by providing them opportunities and proper guidance.”
She further said there are policies and schemes promoting skill development and entrepreneurship but a roadmap is needed to encash such schemes for a proper guidance and training.
She said the university will provide all possible support ,training and guidance, especially for the unemployed youth, through various programmes to make them financially independent.
Director NIESBUD, Ministry of skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE), Dr Poonam Sinha said we need to invest in traditional skills and convert resources into opportunities and that self-employment and entrepreneurship is the only solution to the rising global unemployment problem.
“J&K has a great potential in agriculture, tourism, healthcare and real estate. We can design awareness and training programmes to develop the skill capabilities of our artisans through our educational institutions and government schemes,” she said.
Dean Academic Affairs, KU, Prof Farooq Ahmad Masoodi, who inaugurated the conference Wednesday, said collaborations are the need of the hour as the New Education Policy-2020 makes the borders between technical institutions and formal education institutions irrelevant.
Dean Research, Prof Irshad Ahmad Nawchoo said we need to look for job-oriented courses as we are confronted with job scarcity globally. He was speaking during the valedictory session.
Registrar, Dr Nisar Ahamd Mir said we need to make the skill centres vibrant and need to follow up on what the beneficiaries of our programmes and schemes are doing to keep a check on the development of new start-ups and entrepreneurship.
Director, Skill Development Department, J&K, Sudershan Kumar said skill development is the corner stone of a society’s progress and prosperity, asserting the conference would pave the way for a brighter and more empowered future.
Dean, College Development Council, KU, Prof Khursheed Ahmad Butt during the inaugural session said the university has been at the forefront leading to strategic placement of skill development programmes and that the government has launched many programmes and schemes promoting skill development.
Dean Research and Consultancy (R&C), National Institute of Technology (NIT), Srinagar said there is need for continuous reforms in design and delivery of skill courses and that we should have a holistic approach towards skill development in our society as individual approach cannot make us good skill people.
Coordinator, Centre for Capacity Building and skill Development, KU, Dr Aadil Bashir spelt out the objectives of the conference while Mohammad Yousuf from the centre presented the vote of thanks.

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