Govt Forms Task Force On 24×7 Water Supply

Govt Forms Task Force On 24×7 Water Supply

Srinagar: Government on Monday formed Union territory Level Task Force and City Level Task Force(s) for continuous interaction with the National Task Force (NTF) for planning, design and Implementation of 24×7 water supply projects under the AMRUT 2.0 in Jammu and Kashmir .
Headed by Chief Engineer, Jal Shakti Kashmir, the 8-mmeber Union territory Level Task Force has been tasked with to assess the number of AMRUT cities in the UT and monitor cities which shall be Implementing 24×7 water supply projects and regularly interact with National Task Force. It has been also asked to support cities in establishing a City-level Task Force (CTF) on 24×7 water supply system and extend handholding support.
Besides, it has been tasked with to organize region wise meeting Inviting all the City Engineers for AMRUT cities for handholding and dissemination of knowledge on 24×7 water supply.
Also, its terms of reference include emphasize on the immediate goals and need for implementation of 24×7 Water Supply in AMRUT Cities, in at least one ward or one DMA or District Metering Areas with 2000 households as envisaged under AMRUT 2.0; Organize the capacity building program and training to all the respective engineers/ staff working in the cities regarding 24×7 water supply; ensure that all the cities have sustainable and 95% reliable water source and to ensure this, members of STF shall take up site visits as and when required.
The UT-elvel task force has been also asked to disseminate various components for implementation on 24×7 water supply brought out in the “Guidelines for Planning, Design and Implementation of 24×7 Water Supply Systems and revised Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, to be published by the Ministry.
It has been also tasked with the duty to identify and study the national and International best practices of 24×7 water supply from the viewpoint of effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability, impact and share the success and failure experiences. The service delivery models, O&M, community engagement, institutional setup, adopted technology and lessons applicable/learnt to Indian cities will be identified and shared with the cities.
Further it has been asked to extend handholding support to cities in preparing City Water Balance Plan, Detailed Project Reports (DPR)s, and reduction in Non-Revenue Water (NRW), Advise cities in setting up Non-Revenue Water (NRVV) cells in all AMRUT Cities in the UT of J&K, Standardize the rate for works relating to surveying and hydraulic modeling, SCADA implementation etc. and DPR preparation and request cities to maintain uniform rate of charge across the UT.
Besides, it has been asked to advise cities to undertake the initiatives of capacity building, institutional strengthening of utilities, and facilitating the twinning program for Cities/ULBS within and outside the Country, monitor, city’s 24×7 water supply projects on the Web Portal which will be developed by CPHEEO to maintain data on digital mode and also monitor MIS on 24×7 Water Supply Systems. The duration of the STF shall be initially for 3 years (2022-2024) and will be extended till completion of AMRUT 2.0.
City Level Task Force comprises nine members and is headed by Superintendent Engineer Jal Shati department.

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