SED launches summer camp in Wahab Sahab Pampore, focus on environmental preservation

CEO Pulwama highlights healthy lifestyle, environmental awareness

PAMPORE: The Directorate of School Education Kashmir (DHSK) organised a vibrant summer camp in the picturesque Wahab Sahab area of Pampore.
Led by Chief Education Officer (CEO) Pulwama, Abdul Qayoom Nadvi, and Principal of High School Khrew, Mushtaq Ahmad, the event saw enthusiastic participation from teachers and students from various schools.
The camp featured educational activities and a pledge ceremony focused on environmental preservation. Participants engaged in interactive learning and committed to maintaining clean surroundings, promoting both academic and environmental responsibility.
Officials told Kashmir Reader that a week-long summer camp featuring nature walks, plantation activities, and painting competitions was inaugurated by the Chief Education Officer of Pulwama. The programme, which includes a pledge ceremony, was organised at Middle School Wahab Sahab and Government Middle School Jeewan Sahab Ladhoo, with participation from all nearby institutions.
Speaking with Kashmir Reader, the CEO Pulwama emphasized the importance of introducing a healthy lifestyle among students through such initiatives. He highlighted that the camp’s first day commenced with a forest walk in the Wahab Sahab area of the Pampore education zone.
Selecting a remote location aimed to instill in students the significance of maintaining a close connection with nature. “Physical activity is integral to a healthy lifestyle,” he remarked, underlining the benefits of walking for fitness. Nadvi also underscored the importance of a tidy environment for overall well-being, stating that the camp would cover topics such as the importance of cleanliness over its seven-day duration.
He stressed the pivotal role students play in upholding cleanliness within school premises and advocated for spreading the message of maintaining personal hygiene and embracing eco-friendly practices to households for a healthier lifestyle.

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