Wildlife Dept rescues two snakes in Khrew, Pampore

PAMPORE: In a commendable display of prompt action, the Wildlife Department’s Range Khrew successfully rescued two nearby five-foot-long snakes from separate locations in Pampore and Khrew, areas in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district, on Wednesday.
The first incident unfolded when experts from the wildlife department swiftly responded to reports of a snake sighting within the residential premises of Fayaz Ahmad’s house at Konibal village in Pampore. On the same day, the wildlife department rescued another snake from the cabin of a truck at Khrew village in Pampore.
Panic gripped family members, neighbors, and the truck driver after discovering nearly five-foot-long snakes in both locations.
Wildlife department officials informed Kashmir Reader that they received calls from both Konibal and Khrew about snake sightings. The wildlife experts’ team immediately rushed to the locations with rescue equipment and protective gear to carry out the rescue operation.
The team successfully rescued two nearly five-foot-long snakes, first in Konibal and then in Khrew. Later, the snakes were released into their natural habitats in the Khrew area.
Wildlife Ranger Mohammad Ashraf from Range Khrew informed Kashmir Reader that they rescued two snakes, one from Konibal Pampore, inside a residential house, and the other from a truck at Khrew Pampore. He added that their rescue team promptly arrived at the scenes in response to calls from locals, safely retrieving both snakes and releasing them into safer locations.
The relieved family members, truck driver, and local residents at both places expressed their gratitude to the wildlife department for their timely efforts.

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