Commemoration ceremony honors Late Er Nazir Ahmed Mir Pampuri

PULWAMA: On the second anniversary of the passing of the esteemed Engineer Nazir Ahmed Mir Pampuri, a solemn gathering was convened at the central office of the Shah Hamdan Memorial Trust Pampore, presided over by the esteemed Qazi Abdul Qayyum.
Distinguished members of the Trust participated in the event, offering prayers for the forgiveness of the deceased and supplicating in accordance with the teachings of Allah.
Various scholars, including Dr. Tanveer Hayat, editor of the monthly Al-Misbah, Vice Chairman of the Trust Haji Jalaluddin Butt, and the Principal of Darul Uloom Shah Hamdan Pampore, Mufti Muddassir Ahmed Amjadi, illuminated the life of the late Engineer Nazir Ahmed Mir Pampuri. They recalled his esteemed status as an Islamic scholar, author, and staunch adherent of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah from the picturesque valley of Kashmir.
The late Engineer Nazir Ahmed Mir Pampuri dedicated himself tirelessly to the services of the Shah Hamdan Memorial Trust Pampore, leaving behind a legacy of selfless devotion. The ceremony concluded with a presidential address by Qazi Abdul Qayyum, followed by prayers and salutations.

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