DGP sanctions special relief for NoK of martyr, deceased personnel, SPOs

Sanctions financial assistance to SPOs who suffered residential house damages

JAMMU: Continuing with its endeavour of providing financial assistance to the families of police personnel/SPOs the Director General of Police, J&K, R. R Swain has sanctioned rupees 03.14 crore in favour of seventeen families of martyr/deceased Police personnel/SPOs. He has also sanctioned four lakh twenty-five thousand in favour of five SPOs whose residential houses were damaged in different accidental mishaps/ natural calamities.
“Vide different orders of PHQ, the DGP has sanctioned special welfare relief of rupees 22 lakh each in favour of NoK of martyr Inspector Masroor Ali Wani, and NoK of deceased ASI Govind Singh, HC Bashir Ahmad, HC Mohammad Jabbar, HC Bashir Ahmad, HC Narinder Sharma, SgCt Aqib Hussain, SgCt Ravi Kumar, SgCt Anoop Kumar, SgCt Ajay Kumar, SgCt Bashir Ahmad, Ct Raju Sharma, Ct Muhammed Iqbal and Ct Karamjeet Singh who have passed away while in service due to ailments. While rupees 10 lakh has also been sanctioned in favour of NoK of deceased R/Ct Rohit Sharma,” police said in a statement.
Rupees six lakh each has been sanctioned in favour of NoK of SPO Javed Ahmad, SPO Mehraj-ud-din Lone and SPO Mohammad Khalid who have passed away during their engagement with the J&K Police organisation.
Out of these sanctioned relief, rupees one lakh each in favour of NoK of deceased police personnel and rupees fifty thousand each in favour of NoK of deceased SPOs already paid for performing their last rites.
Vide another order of PHQ the DGP J&K has sanctioned financial assistance of rupees one lakh each in favour of SPOs Nazir Ahmad, Irshad Ahmad, and Man Singh while rupees seventy-five thousand and rupees fifty thousand in favour of SPO Shiraz Ahmad and SPO Suresh Kumar respectively whose residential houses were damaged in different accidental mishaps/ natural calamities.
As a welfare measure Police Headquarters has taken many initiatives to ensure increased help and assistance for the welfare of its personnel and their families, police said.

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