Religion doesn’t limit us, it liberates us; but when we have a lust for more liberalism, liberty becomes prison then

By using various analogies, confusing people with them, and causing them to become sceptics of their beliefs or faith, I have encountered many well-known people who attempt to eradicate the idea of religion. People like Sadhguru—I remember him once using the example of a cacoon and depicting the idea that religion is like a cacoon—might think that it protects them, but it also limits them. His philosophy is not unknown now; we understand that he believes in hedonist philosophy. Not he, but almost every atheist today shares the same thought. They want us to come out of that shell, liberate ourselves from religion, and experience a different realm, which they believe will bring eternal joy. They assert religion is like a cage, According to them, religion is a hindrance to true happiness and fulfilment in life. Instead, they advocate for a focus on personal pleasure and enjoyment as the ultimate goal of existence.
One thing we have to understand is that the wisdom we possess is not even close to 0.01 percent of divine wisdom. We are supposed to take it seriously. Religion doesn’t limit us on principle; it liberates us, but a problem occurs when we have a lust for more liberalism; liberty becomes prison then. It is important to strike a balance between being open to new experiences and respecting the principles of our religion. Blindly chasing after liberalism can lead us astray from the true essence of our faith. Let me use an analogy: Consider a religion like an atmosphere; within the atmosphere, there are five layers, and each layer has its own significance. We are on earth, and we know the atmosphere is a vital, invisible structure that protects us from many external toxins, like UV rays, for example. What if we ever leave this atmosphere and experience ourselves beyond it? We would have to cross these five layers, and we know that after passing through each layer, the level of oxygen decreases, and we are likely to get killed when we cross the last layer, which is the threshold of these layers. Similarly, religion is a vital structure that protects us from many external toxins like greed, hatred, and jealousy and other things which can’t even comprehend. Each layer of religion has its own significance, and if we cross the threshold of these layers without understanding their significance, we may lose our way and end up getting hurt spiritually and physically.
In these contemporary times, unlike Islam, people of almost every religion are trying to modernize and liberalize their understanding of their particular religion. To my understanding, almost every religion today has lost its actual essence by developing different “philosophies,” which are the subjective understandings of a specific person. This modernization of religion has led to a dilution of its core values and principles, making it more susceptible to external influences. However, Islam has managed to maintain its authenticity and remains a guiding light for its followers in these changing times. They believe making religion more liberal will let people adhere to their faith, which is indeed the biggest problem. Changing our understanding of scripture to just fit in with the current liberalism idea basically eradicates religion. As we can never catch up to divine wisdom.
We should not let ourselves engage in hedonistic and libertarian ideas. We know it comes with great risk. We are all too familiar with what liberalism and hedonism have caused people in the West to do. People in the west are marrying rocks and musical instruments like pianos, and sadists and psychopaths are on the rise under the umbrella of liberalism.
Radical feminism and liberalism are ascending at a rapid pace, and we know the consequences are worrisome. Mental health is a trigger, according to reports from the WHO.
There is an abundance of chaos in the West these days. The idea of liberalism makes a person deviate and eventually traps him in atheism. And when a person abandons religion and divine wisdom, he also abandons morality. Because morality comes from religion. An example of it can be found in today’s atheist ideologies. I recently stumbled upon a debate on atheism and Islam by Hamza Tzortis and Lawrence Krauss (a famous American theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is an atheist). Lawrence Krauss acknowledges that he has no issue with incest. Which means having sexual relationships within the family. Unfortunately, there are many people who hold this view.
This is indeed the aftermath of liberalism. If we are rational and sincerely contemplate it, we will certainly understand it. It is important to acknowledge the impact of societal and political ideologies on mental health and prioritise addressing these issues. It is critical to promote a balanced approach that respects individual rights while also acknowledging the significance of collective well-being. And the solution is to adhere to the paradigm of Islam, which is unique, true, and not altered or fabricated. Islam provides us with a healthy balance of faith and liberty. Islam provides a comprehensive framework for individuals and societies to thrive, with a focus on justice, compassion, and accountability. By embracing Islamic principles, we can navigate the challenges of modernity while maintaining our moral and ethical values. Rather than becoming a slave to human ideas, it’s better to be a slave of Allah. Human wisdom can’t bring contentment in life, but divine wisdom can, as God is our creator.


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