Police organise medical camp cum drug de-addiction prog in Handwara

Handwara: Police under the aegis of Civic Action Programme (CAP) organised a free medical camp cum drug de-addiction awareness programme at Zachaldara in collaboration with District Hospital Handwara.

The team of specialist doctors from District Hospital Handwara provided medical check-up facilities and deaddiction counselling to around 400 persons. The main aim of the medical camp was to provide access to medical check-up and medicines and to generate awareness about medical treatment for de-addiction.

The attending patients availed free medical consultation from the visiting team of specialist doctors. The team of doctors also briefed the patients and their attendants about signs and symptoms of drug addiction. They were also made aware of medical treatments available for de-addiction which could be life saving for severe addicts. They were urged to spread awareness among their near and dear ones that addiction can be treated with timely medical attention.

The general public of the area has lauded the efforts of police for conducting/organising such awareness programmes, police said.

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