Nanotechnology as a solution for unemployment

Nanotechnology as a solution for unemployment

In our Jammu and Kashmir, although we have a number of talented youth who have earned their PhDs from prestigious intuitions including from IITs, IIIMs, NITs and from abroad, we can see PhD holders doing casual/manual work and many of them without work, which is a serious concern for all of us.
Job insecurity disturbs the whole family system, economically, socially and psychologically. At times, parents had to sell their land to pay the huge fees for their children’s degrees. This whole process causes depression and pushes youths towards drug addiction and drug trafficking. I have firm belief that this is one of the causes behind the rising trend of drug addiction. It affects the entire society and the elite class will realise it very soon.
The government should keep track of all meritorious unemployed youth and try to provide employment opportunities to them. As limited resources do not allow large-scale job opportunities in the public sector, the field of Nanotechnology offers prospects for excellent careers whose scope is expanding rapidly. If a student likes science and has sound skills, he or she should just go for it after completing graduation. Nanotechnology has impact on many aspects of our daily lives. By venturing into this area of science, a student can later choose a career in several different sectors.
As nanotechnology is a new branch of science that essentially combines physics, chemistry, biology, engineering and technology, it is opening up new job prospects. It is estimated that nanotechnology will create five million jobs worldwide in the recent future. The scope and application of nanotechnology is stupendous. Right from medicine, pharmaceuticals, information technology, electronics, optoelectronics, energy, chemicals, advanced materials, to textiles, agriculture, and environment, nanotechnology has manifold applications. Nanotechnology provides job opportunities in government as well as private research institutes. Indian engineering and science graduates are increasingly opting for nanotechnology.

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