Tips for Networking for Both Introverts and Extroverts

Tips for Networking for Both Introverts and Extroverts

Advocate Muhammed Hussain

Networking refers to people to people interaction. Is it important to have people to people interaction? Let’s go deeper to understand, what it is, and whether it is important or not. In times like these when we prefer to confine ourselves to our cell phones, how can we maintain direct people to people interaction?
Human beings are diverse when it comes to psychological patterns of classification. Broadly speaking, human beings are classified into two categories, extroverts and introverts. Extroverts are those people who are easy going, who can strike conversations to any person at any time; they are outgoing, they like to be into limelight all the time whereas introverts are exactly opposite. Introverts choose silence over noise, they like to listen to other people; they avoid interaction and are afraid to go to social gatherings.
World looks easy to an extrovert; with easygoing attitude to life, they tend to be more popular, with more connections and tend to have many friends and acquaintance in different and numerous social circles. They can be seen enjoying in parties, the loudest voice heard in the social gatherings, people seeking them to ease out the tension and to make things easy and enjoyable; they can be seen in professions such as public speakers, politicians, actors, hosts and so on.
Introverts however are a different breed of people altogether,; they enjoy spending time alone, and they do not seek attention(they) rather hate it. They do not enjoy social gatherings; they are the ones who cancel your outing plan last minute. They do everything to avoid social gatherings such as weddings, funerals, seminars or other activities, which involves interaction with large number of people they know or who know them. They can be seen little chilled out however in the places where they feel nobody knows them. They enjoy a sports event in a stadium where they are sure that crowd is unknown to them; they go to places all alone. These people are vulnerable to any kind of exploitation, because they cannot say “no” directly to the person asking them for any favors which they know is not going to benefit them or is going to harm them in person; introverts tend to be workaholic and prefer to work alone rather than working in teams because they get distracted very easily. They prefer one-on-one conversations over addressing a gathering or convening a meeting. Introverts can be seen opting professions such as authors, writers, poets, artists, singers, directors in movies, cooks, musicians, painter, architects and so on.
People to people interaction is very less among introverts as compared extroverts. We all fall somewhere between the degrees extroversion and introversion, we are often not totally extrovert or totally introvert. There are traits of both in all of us.
Networking is essential for living a good life. Human beings are connected to each other with an invisible social fiber, without this fiber there will be no such thing called compassion or love and without compassion human beings will behave like robots. There will be more productivity, they will bring more sales, they may treat more patients, increase production, create less pollution, will be always accurate and will give 100% results in any given task. If we tend to reduce everything to work and have only work relationship with each other, if we will not inquire about health, job or progress of our siblings, relatives, friends and acquaintances, we will lose human touch.
It becomes absolutely important for us to have this human side and to have contacts that we can depend upon, or those who can count on us, in indifferent circumstances.
It is easy for an extrovert to have innumerable contacts; an introverted person who seeks refuge from gaze of people often finds himself or herself alone in hour of need. This article will serve as a helping hand for them , in particular, nowadays it is easy for an introvert to express themselves, to choose people to hang out with. Social media has opened new doors of interaction, they can choose who to talk to, they can block who they wish not to talk to, they can find a common tribe and can also develop long lasting contacts through social media, they can get to know about their classmates, colleagues who they always wanted to talk to in past, but had no courage to do so. They can simply follow them, poke or write them a message and it can develop into a reliable contact. Introverts can know personal things about their favorite celebrities, authors or artists, message them, on social media platforms. They should have an active social networking page such as Facebook, twitter, or ;Linked in. Although, it may sound bad idea to an introvert to have presence on social networking websites, but it is necessary, to have one, because at the end of the day we have to live among people. Even if they want their passage to be silent through this journey called life, just like the passage of stars in the sky, there needs to be someone to be there to take care of them in hour of need.
For introverts usually families are enough to take care of us; however this world is a game of chance, opportunities and threats, you never know who is going to leave us and when. We are exposed to immense threats all the time. Make healthy relationships, make loose connections, you don’t need to necessarily interact on daily basis, a simple “hi” in a week or a month or a birthday message in a year will do the job. It is necessary to have social media presence these days, and be apt to learn to use new features, new apps. Keep your presence active, it is not necessary to make social media a notice board of life the way extroverts usually do (which is not bad either). But a simple quote you liked, a sunrise you just clicked or anything you feel like sharing.
Extroverts are all over the social media, posting posts, uploading pictures, and discussing everything in their lives up there. But when it comes to the people who you can count on, the number actually narrows down to few. Extroverts too need to develop contacts that they can depend upon. They can do so either through direct interaction or by using social media.
There is always a threat in allowing new people to life and the good thing is there is always an opportunity too, you just need to figure it out yourself, take risks and move on. While reading this essay, it may cross your mind that the article is about selfishness, because it talks about developing contacts that you can rely upon in hour of need; well there is nothing bad in that. It talks about being reliable to people who can count on you in same circumstances.
—The author can be reached at: [email protected]

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