Presidential order exposes PDP’s deceit: NC

Opposition National Conference (NC), Friday said that the Presidential order issued today should have mentioned that GST Council has no taxing powers for Jammu and Kashmir.

Former finance minister and NC senior leader, Abdul Rahim Rather said that the questions and concerns raised by the party and other stakeholders about implementing the GST in the state have not been addressed at all in the Presidential Order on GST.

“The power of the GST council and Parliament to levy taxes to Jammu and Kashmir have been extended to the state as is mentioned in the Presidential Order under Article 279 A,” Rather said.

He said that the state legislature had the power to decide and impose taxes in the state.

“Now under GST and GST Council, those powers are gone. Our state legislature cannot decide on taxes. As such fiscal autonomy of state has become a casualty. The two constitutional provisions referred to above have been reduced to husk,” he said.

He said that Article 370 of Indian constitution of Section 5 of state is eroded and diluted.

“That’s why the opponents of fiscal autonomy and special position enjoyed the JK under the Indian constitution are celebrating after the PDP-led government passed the obnoxious resolution on GST,” he added. 

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