Khrew Health Centre remains closed in absence of staff

PAMPORE: Health Sub Centre at Bathina Khrew village in south Kashmir remains closed for days “due to lack of staff” with locals saying that government is not paying attention to their woes. The residents told Kashmir Reader the Sub Centre do not function for days altogether as it has staff of just two people. “The […]

3 pharmacies sealed in Khrew for violating norms

PAMPORE: Three pharmacies were sealed in Khew area of Pampore during a raid by Drug and Food Control organization (DFCO) on Tuesday for violating norms. “During the inspection, DFCO closed three pharmaceutical shops at Khrew for violating Drug and Cosmetics Act,” Drug Inspector Tasaduq Hussain told Kashmir Reader. He said that the shops have been […]

Disinfection drive held at Pampore

PAMPORE: In wake of coronavirus scare, Municipal Committee Pampore on Monday started disinfection drive at various places. Executive Officer Shakeel Ahmad Shah told Kashmir Reader that two key locations – Sub District Hospital Pampore and Police Station Pampore were sprayed with disinfectants on the day first. He said that the spray drive has been launched […]

Revenue, MC Pampore remove garbage from private property

PAMPORE: Revenue and Municipal Committee Pampore on Monday removed garbage from a private property of a migrant Kashmiri Pandit and warned people not to dispose garbage on the plot. The action was taken after the migrant Kashmiri Pandit had filed a complaint that his property was turned into a dumping site and needed to be […]

Anti-encroachment drive held in Pampore

PAMPORE: Municipal Committee Pampore on Saturday launched anti-encroachment drive here. To free encroached footpaths and streets Pampore, Municipal Committee launched anti-encroachment drive against shopkeepers and street vendors. A team headed by Muncipal Committee Executive Officer Shakeel Ahmad Shah started an anti-encroachment drive in Saffron town during which illegal encroachment were removed, officials said. Locals complain […]

Fire damages 3 shops in Pampore

PAMPORE: Three shops were damaged in Pampore on Thursday night and property worth lakhs is believed to be damaged. According to reports, short circuit is believed to have caused the fire. The complex where fire erupted houses these shops is owned by a local Mosque and rented to different shopkeepers on monthly rent basis. Mushtaq […]

3 medical shops sealed in Pampore for violating norms

PAMPORE: Three medical shops were sealed during a raid by a team of government officials for violating norms while as rupees 9100 fine was recovered from various shopkeepers for black marketing on Friday . The team included officials from revenue, drug, food safety and meteorological departments. They inspected various shops including pharmacies, drug shops, drug […]

9 employees found absent at MC Pampore during surprise inspection by Tehsildar

PAMPORE: Nine employees of Municipal Committee Pampore were found absent from duty on Thursday by Tehsildar. Officials informed Kashmir Reader that Tehsildar Pampore, Ishtiyaq Mohi-ud-Din on Thursday afternoon conducted a surprise visit at the office of executive officer Municipal Committee Pampore . “Nine employees were found absent,” they said. “Tehsildar as Executive Officer MC Pampore […]

PHC Pampore holds awareness camp at railway station

PAMPORE: Primary Health Centre (PHC) Kakapora of Pampore on Wednesday held an awareness camp at a railway station here to raise awareness against spread of coronavirus. Medical Officer Public Health Centre (PHC) Kakapora Pulwama, Dr Mohammad Yousuf told Kashmir Reader that they have deputed a team of doctors and paramedics to the railway station to […]

K Cements employees demand pending salaries

PAMPORE: JK cements Employees Association on Monday held a protest demonstration in factory premises at Khrew demanding immediate release of their pending salary that has been withheld for more than one years and updating of CP fund. The aggrieved employees said that they being deprived of their salaries for fourteen months seeking immediate attention of […]