Avalanche blocks river Sindh

Avalanche blocks river Sindh

SRINAGAR: An avalanche has blocked Sindh stream in Sonamarg area of Jammu and Kashmir, changing the course of the waterbody, officials said here on Wednesday.
An avalanche struck the Hung area of Sonamarg on Srinagar-Leh road, blocking the flow of water in the Sindh stream, they said.
The blockade caused by the avalanche debris forced a change in the course of the stream and water started flowing over the road adjacent to it, the officials said.
Authorities have pressed heavy machinery into service to clear the debris of the avalanche so that the waterbody takes its original course.
Kashmir witnessed “moderate” to “heavy” snowfall over the past three days, increasing the possibility of avalanches in hilly and mountainous areas of the valley.
Meanwhile, Police evacuated a critically-ill child to the hospital amid heavy snow accumulation and slippery roads in south Kashmir’s Kulgam district after receiving a distress call, officials said on Wednesday.
Police said that the distress call from the Medical Superintendent Emergency Hospital Qazigund, stating therein that a critically-ill child was in dire need to be shifted to Anantnag as they were unable to shift him in ambulance amid heavy accumulation of snow and slippery road.
“Locals, especially family members of the patient thanked and applauded the efforts of Kulgam Police for prompt response and timely assistance.” (Agencies)


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