IUST’s collaborative research to feature of USA journal cover

Awantipora: A collaborative research initiative on Microscopic aspects of γ softness in atomic nuclei will feature on the front cover of an internationally acclaimed Journal, Physical Review, published by the American Physical Society.

The collaborating institutions are Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora, University of Kashmir; Sri Pratap College, and the University of Notre Dame, USA. The paper demonstrates how the collective vibrational motion in nuclear many-body systems emerges from the microscopic dynamics of protons and neutrons elucidating the fascinating collective properties observed in physical systems in terms of the fundamental constituents of matter.

The authors of the ground-breaking work are Nazira Nazir, S. Jehangir, S.P. Rouoof, G.H. Bhat, J.A. Sheikh, N.A. Rather and S. Frauendorf; and the article can be accessed at https://journals.aps.org/prc/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevC.107.L021303.


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