Department of Horticulture holds awareness, training program at Hajin 

Sumbal: Department of Horticulture on Wednesday organised a one day awareness cum training camp for orchardists in Town Hall Hajin .
The programme was presided over by Chairman Municipal Committee Hajin Irshad Ahmad Wani besides him Chief Horticulture Officer Bandipora Farooq Ahmad Sajad Hussian HDO Sumbal,Farooq Ahmad Sofi District Agriculture Officer Bandipora ,Dr.Hilal Ahmad Malik scientist KVK Bandipora were also in the presidium.
The program was attended by senior orchardists of the town.
The main aim to organise this program to aware orchardists about government schemes and their benefits for the people .
While speaking on the occasion Dr.Hilal Malik of KVK said that the department is providing all assistance to the farmers and they should take all the benefits of the centrally and UT sponsored schemes of the department.
He urged farmers to adopt integrated farming in their fields and avail the benefits on different components viz establishment of nurseries, installation of Polyhouses, Borewells, construction of Pack Houses, horticultural machinery, micro irrigation,High density plantation etc. for uplift of their socio- economic status.
Chairman Municipal Committee Hajin Irshad Ahmad Wani urged farmers to come forward, associate with the Horticulture Department and avail the benefits of govt schemes
He requests farmers to take consultation of department of Horticulture for the fruitful results and towards increasing the farmers income.
Meanwhile on the occasion there was threadbare discussion on Importance and relevance of FPOs during the awareness camp.
Orchardists who participated in the camp also shared their views and expressed satisfaction for holding such an informative program.
They thanked Horticulture Department for conducting such an awareness camp in their area and expected more such programs in the future.


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