A letter to an estranged friend

A letter to an estranged friend

I approached and you responded. A spontaneous approach and a spontaneous reply. I never thought it would mark the beginning of a friendship and turn us into buddies. The building of trust and admiration for each other’s quality and respect for each other’s difference of opinions turned this friendship stronger.
But alas, it wasn’t enough for the survival of our bond of friendship. Whatever be the size of the tree, it won’t stand even against the slow wind if its roots are not deep.
Your presumptive assertions turned into accusations which tore me apart. Maybe I am not worth your friendship. Maybe you deserve someone who is flawless, an angel like you. I am full of flaws and mistakes as I am made of them. I do commit mistakes and that’s me. And yes, I am open to your mistakes as well. Correction, openness, forgiveness, compassion and, most importantly, a mutual understanding is prerequisite of any relationship, which here is lacking. A friendship can’t be dictated by terms and conditions.
Amid all the negativity around me, the positivity in you always fascinated me. But that instance when you reflected back the negativity overshadowed all. You didn’t take even a moment to throw everything away. Not a moment to rethink your false judgemental assertion. That broke me and tore me apart. You could have asked for an explanation before declaration of your verdict.
I may not be anymore in your heart but I won’t end it the way you did. I will end it on a positive note. I will always pray for your better future here and hereafter.

Via Insha Rasool. [email protected]

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