Dialysis facility at SDH Pampore soon: DC Pulwama

PAMPORE: Authorities in South Kashmir’s Pulwama district are hopeful to start dialysis services at sub district hospital Pampore very soon.
This revelation was made by Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, Baseer-Ul-Haq Choudhary, on his recent visit to Sub district hospital Pampore.
“There is a good rush of patients at sub district hospital Pampore which tells that they are provided better facilities here,” Deputy Commissioner Pulwama, Baseer-Ul-Haq Chaudhary told Kashmir Reader, adding that he was happy to see the hospital functioning in a competent manner.
He told Kashmir Reader that they plan to augment the facilities at SDH Pampore and proposed BMO to send some doctors to district hospital Pulwama for learning new skills.
” The dialysis facility is a minor issue, it will be started within 15 to 20 days,” he said.
Residents from various areas of Saffron town Pampore had been demanding dialysis facilities for many past years.
The residents informed Kashmir Reader that there are many dialysis patients in Pampore health block and facilities like this will be good news to them.
Mohammad Sultan Shah, General Secretary Idara Auqaf Islamia Trust Pampore told Kashmir Reader that the hospital has all facilities except dialysis.
He said that dialysis patients from this area have to travel to Srinagar or Pulwama.
“Many patients find it hard to travel to these places so we request Deputy Commissioner Pulwama for speeding up the process of installing a dialysis machine here,” he said.

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