Fire restricted to attic of house in Nawakadal after timely action

Fire restricted to attic of house in Nawakadal after timely action

DG F&ES rewards personnel for swift response

Srinagar: Two residential houses caught fire, Sunday morning, at a highly congested Nawa Kadal area in Srinagar. The Fire & Emergency Service (F&ES) personnel responded immediately and swung into action. They were able to contain the fire, with the help and cooperation of Police and especially the local youth. There were at least 20 to 25 adjoining houses which could have engulfed in the fire, but the timely action by Fire service personnel helped to isolate and contain the fire in the wooded attic portion of the two houses and didn’t allow fire to spread.
Noor Alam Khan, Sub Officer, from Fire Service HQ was amongst the first responders and he coordinated with Joint Director F&ES Bashir Ahmed Shah and the Fire Service personnel were able to contain the fire. Earlier, a similar fire incident had occurred at Namchabal, near Fatehkadal and Alamgari Bazar, where Fire Service personnel rushed immediately and ensured that fire was contained in only one house and didn’t allow fire to spread, as the area was also highly congested.
Taking note of the swift action by Fire Service personnel the Director General F&ES Dr. B. Srinivas announced cash reward and commendation certificates, in favour of the first responders and assured that whenever such swift and appreciable action is taken, the Fire Service personnel will be suitably rewarded.
DG Fire also expressed his gratitude to the local volunteers who assisted the Fire Service personnel in containing the fire. Srinivas, who is also Commandant General CD, HG and SDRF appealed to youth to voluntarily get associated with Civil Defence and learn fire-fighting and first-aid skills, so that they can assist the Fire Service Teams and can become an integral part of community rescue teams.
Considering the ongoing winter season, the Fire and Emergency Services (F&ES) Department appealed to people to take adequate precautions, as it has been observed that fire incidents increase during winter months, since people use different heating devices in freezing temperatures. It was also appealed that people should not resort to overloading the electric power sockets, or use faulty electrical appliances, high wattage electrical room heaters, defective electric blankets etc., as the electric wiring systems in old houses are worn-out and cannot take the so much heating load and can result in short-circuits and fire-incidents.
F&ES Department further cautioned that while using gas Bukharies care should be taken that Gas cylinder is removed from the room, before sleeping, otherwise gas leakage can occur resulting in fires and if the gas heater is kept burning it can cause depletion of oxygen, resulting in health hazards.
It was further cautioned that while cooking food, the stove should never be kept unattended. The LPG Cylinder should always be lower than the gas stove. The LPG Cylinder regulator should always be shut, before going to sleep. It was further suggested that the majority of people use Kangri but need to handle it carefully, so that it does not topple over. While using Candles, care should be taken that it is not kept on any wooden or inflammable surface.
F&ES Department further said that whenever fire incidents occur, people should immediately call the Fire Service Control Room on Toll free number 101 which functions 24×7.


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