The Misery That Goes Unnoticed

The Misery That Goes Unnoticed

It is almost impossible to think of any aspect of human life that has remained unaffected due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Shall we talk about the impact on mental health or shall we assess the impact on the economy? Shall I refer to the abandoned markets or shall I talk of the deserted playgrounds? […]

Keep Distance from ‘Delhi’

With due respect, your lordships, here I thought it important to remind us all that for Rule of Law to prevail, judicial independence is of prime necessity. It has to be ferociously independent and be seen as such. Truly Independent? Given the importance of fair judicial administration in the largest democracy, it is not a […]

Higher Education in the New Education Policy

Higher Education in the New Education Policy

The New Education Policy, which is aligned with the UN’s SDG-4, intends to bring systematic reform in the education sector. It proposes revision and revamping of all aspects of the education structure, including its regulation and governance. The policy forges a new system that is on par with the objectives of 21st-century education. All higher […]

The Ethics of Online Education

The aim of e-learning is to increase knowledge, skills and productive capabilities of learners (Ismail, R. et al., 2011, p. 49-52). It serves as a substitute for the traditional classroom setting and offers education without space or time limitations, education in which discrimination against age and race is almost non-existent, record keeping is much easier, […]

An illusion of communication

An illusion of communication

What better time to be in Kashmir than summers? If only I was on a holiday though! It’s a work-from-home arrangement for me that I am adhering to in the literal sense. What a respite for people like me who have their roots in Kashmir but are compelled to take up jobs outside the State […]

Guryul Ravine: a geological site in a shambles

Guryul Ravine: a geological site in a shambles

Overlooked by magnificent mountains and spectacular glaciers, beautiful vistas, vast lakes, and undulating landscape, Kashmir valley is nestled between the Pir Panjal Range and Greater Himalayas. The oval-shaped valley is ̴ 150 km in length and 50 km in breadth. Kashmir’s geology has grabbed the attention of geoscientists in every nook and corner of the […]

Marriage in Islam: A husband’s counsel

My dear beloved, it goes without saying that marriages are made in heaven. In Islam, marriage is a sacred contract and a religious duty. It is also a social commitment. Husband and wife are supposed to live in peace, procreate and nurture children. They begin their journey in the spirit of love, cooperation, harmony and […]

A serious misconception about marriage & Family in Islam

A very fine balance needs to be struck between two possible case scenarios when it comes to marriage relationships. On the one hand there are radically flexible “friendship relationships” in the name of marriage, gaining popularity in the modern world owing to rising individualism leading to failure of commitment. As love in essence is expansion […]

Israel’s Friends Dictate the Agenda of the Republican Party

Israel’s Friends Dictate the Agenda of the Republican Party

It is difficult – and futile – to argue which American president has historically been more pro-Israel. While former President Barack Obama, for example, has pledged more money to Israel than any other US administration in history, Donald Trump has provided Israel with a blank check of seemingly endless political concessions. Certainly, the unconditional backing […]

Teacher’s Day: A Teacher’s Influence Lasts for Generations

Teacher’s Day: A Teacher’s Influence Lasts for Generations

No matter how old we grow, the lessons taught by our teachers can never be forgotten. Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. Dear readers, teaching is the one profession that […]