The Repressions of Rationalism

The Repressions of Rationalism

Modern man has lost his deep soul due to the unilateral focus on rationalism, which causes dreadful neurosis and existential crisis Dostoyevsky in the west started warning against rational utopianism – converting a human being into a sort of piano key, a computer, a robot – when in fact there were deep “irrationalities” and “supra […]

Happy Birthday, Abrar, wherever you are

Happy Birthday, Abrar, wherever you are

It’s been long, my friend, since the day we sat and ate together. I still remember the day when I met you, the memory of your beautiful face. Things changed over the past year, but I keep remembering you in everything that I do. I recall those times when we used to sit for hours […]

Probability analysis of the current set of rumours in Kashmir

Probability analysis of the current set of rumours in Kashmir

A conspicuous movement of troops in Kashmir in the past few days has led to widespread rumour mongering. In homes and offices, markets and playgrounds, news media and social networking sites, everywhere discussions are being held and speculations made, not only among the common public but also in high-profile political circles, that something big like […]

Online education: Another Brick in the Wall

To know that we know what we know, and to know that we do not know what we do not know, that is true knowledge.” –Nicolaus Copernicus Knowledge in its true essence is neither any teaching in the conventional sense of the word, nor about filling the empty minds of largely passive students with facts […]

The love of my family – my saviour from death!

The love of my family – my saviour from death!

Overwhelmed with a severe headache at around noon, I was rushed to a hospital nearby. Holding my throbbing head in my hands, I was taken to the OPD. Within an hour, after I was treated, my headache got better and was nearly causing me no pain. The doctor told me that I was doing fine. […]

The terrible consequences of a deceitful Zionism

The terrible consequences of a deceitful Zionism

Even a cursory glance at the Israel-Palestine issue will tell a story of betrayal and deceit. It tells us of the implementation of a daring and ambitious plan made by a group of Jews spearheading a movement called Zionism, which preached that Judaism is not just a religion but a nationality, one that deserved a […]

Afghanistan after NATO exit

Afghanistan after NATO exit

History may repeat itself too soon in Afghanistan. Nearly three decades ago when the last Soviet soldier left the Afghan soil, the events that unfolded then may get replicated exactly with the NATO exit. Afghanistan is famously considered as a graveyard for foreign invaders due to its rocky treacherous terrain that often gives strategic advantage […]

They stand a better chance who know how to withstand

They stand a better chance who know how to withstand

Generally speaking, individuals who count their blessings and not their troubles are psychologically better equipped to deal with stress The struggle for survival and success in every era of human existence has been marked by unwelcome events and daily hassles of life. The life of an individual or community has never been a cakewalk. It […]

From first wave to second, a consistent callousness

From first wave to second, a consistent callousness

Kashmir valley on March 18, 2020, recorded its first positive case of the novel coronavirus. A resident of Khanyar in Srinagar who arrived by flight on the 16th of the month from a foreign country tested positive. From the same day, the authorities imposed strict restrictions over unnecessary movement of people. This was a time […]

Awareness of brain tumour can curb morbidity

Awareness of brain tumour can curb morbidity

A brain tumour is a collection, or mass of abnormal cells in the brain. Being the 10th leading cause of morbidity in India, the incidences of the deadly disease is on an exponential rise and different kinds of tumours manifest at different age groups. These tumours can be cancerous (malignant) or non-cancerous. When a benign […]