Journey of reflection: Moulana Rumi’s parable reveals the true essence of life’s treasures

Journey of reflection: Moulana Rumi’s parable reveals the true essence of life’s treasures

‘Dard-e-Dil Ke Waastey Paida Kiya Insaan Ko Warna Ataa’at Ke Liye Kuch Kam Na The Karobiyaan’ remains one of the most known verses of Khwaja Mir Dard, one of the classic Urdu poets. These verses depict a Sufi thought that humans were created for love and compassion for one another, and if prayers and obedience were concerned, such acts had already been done by angels before.
People often reflect on life only in old age, when their hair has turned white and their bodies have weakened. However, a true human being is someone who ponders the meaning of life during their youth. Those who contemplate life’s essence during adolescence are likely to mature into wise individuals, serving as ambassadors of humanity. Life should not be equated with accumulating wealth or pursuing prestigious careers; instead, it involves nurturing children, guiding them towards understanding their purpose, and acknowledging one’s role in the universe.
Simply striving for financial success or high-status jobs doesn’t encompass the true essence of life; real achievement lies in shaping future generations, fostering personal growth, and embodying qualities like compassion and patience. Many aspire to careers for fame, but life extends beyond professional success, encompassing self-control, kindness to others, and spiritual practices.
Rumi’s Lesson: Value Time Over Trivial Pursuits
In the mystical tales spun by Moulana Jalaluddin Rumi (RA), there once lived a man who stumbled upon a treasure beyond measure—a diamond so exquisite that its brilliance outshone the sun itself. Eager to share in his fortune, he embarked on a journey to find a worthy buyer. As he traversed through bustling markets and whispered alleyways, the man found himself met with only disbelief and admiration, for none could fathom the true value of his precious gem. It was said that only the king possessed the wealth to match its splendour. Determined, the man pressed on, his heart pounding with anticipation as he approached the grand gates of the royal palace. Yet, his path was obstructed by layers of security and formidable guards, each obstacle a testament to the rarity of his prize.
Undeterred, he stood before the throne of the king, the diamond cradled delicately in his hands. And as the monarch beheld the jewel’s radiance, his eyes alight with wonder, the man knew that destiny had led him to this moment. Word quickly spread throughout the court of the extraordinary find, and whispers of envy and desire filled the air. The king’s advisors clamoured for his attention, urging him to claim the diamond for his own. But it was the wazir, the wise and cunning minister, who saw beyond the glittering facade. With a knowing smile, he approached the king and proposed a challenge—a test of worthiness befitting such a treasure.
Tomorrow, at the break of dawn, the wazir declared, his voice echoing with authority, “The palace doors shall open wide for you, my friend. Take whatever your heart desires, but remember, as the sun sets, so too shall your time within these walls. Such is the price of your diamond.” In that moment, the man’s joy knew no bounds, for he realized that his fortune was not merely in the possession of the diamond, but in the adventure that awaited him. As he awaited the dawn of a new day, he brimmed with excitement, ready to embark on a journey that would forever alter the course of his destiny.
At sunrise, he begins his journey toward the palace. Upon entering the first room, he admires the beautiful clothes he sees and becomes enamoured with them, trying on a few and considering taking more from the palace. Continuing his journey toward another room, he sees delicious foods and thinks, ‘I must taste all the foods one by one; I’m having a good time.’ Later, upon entering another room, he observes caretakers using fans for cooling. He decides to rest, believing he has ample time to acquire items from the palace. Falling into a deep sleep, he is eventually awakened by someone informing him that his time has passed. Realizing he has squandered precious time; he attempts to take items from the palace but is stopped by guards who inform him that his time expired at sunset and he cannot take anything.
Moulana Rumi uses this story to illustrate that the world is like a grand palace filled with valuable treasures that could benefit us greatly. However, instead of utilizing these treasures, we often squander our time pursuing fleeting desires and trivial matters.
Moulana Rumi’s parable reminds us of the essence of life’s treasures: the value of time over trivial pursuits. Instead of chasing fleeting desires, we should focus on nurturing wisdom, compassion, and meaningful connections, for these are the true riches that enrich our lives and shape our destinies.
The writer is a professional social worker, poet and trekker and can be reached at [email protected]


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