SKUAST-K distributes high-yield Sarson-2 seeds to transform agriculture in Pulwama

Pampore: In a significant agricultural initiative, Professor Dil Mohammad Maqdoomi, Director of Extension at Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir (SKUAST-K), and Javaid Ahmad Magloo, Head of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Malangpora, jointly distributed high-yield Brown Sarsoon oilseeds (Shalimar Sarsoon-2) and Urea free of cost to farmers in various villages of Pulwama district.
This vital endeavor falls under the Rabi Crop Farming Learning and Development (CFLD) program for the year 2023-24. Farmers from Pulwama district were beneficiaries of this initiative, receiving not only high-yield Sarson-2 seeds but also essential agricultural inputs, according to officials.
Speaking to Kashmir Reader, Prof. Dil Mohammad Maqdoomi, Director Extension at SKUAST-Kashmir, emphasized the university’s commitment to uplifting the agricultural landscape of the region. He stated, “Our goal is to ensure that farmers have access to superior quality seeds and resources, enabling them to enhance their crop yield and improve their livelihoods.”
Javaid Ahmad Magloo, the Head of KVK Malangpora, expressed his enthusiasm about the positive impact this initiative would have on the local farming community. “By providing farmers with Brown Sarsoon oilseeds, we are not just distributing seeds; we are sowing the seeds of progress and prosperity. Through knowledge dissemination and hands-on support, we are nurturing a thriving agricultural ecosystem in Pulwama,” he remarked.
Farmers from various villages in Pulwama district commended the efforts of SKUAST-Kashmir and KVK Malangpora for their unwavering support, expressing their gratitude. They highlighted how these initiatives are instrumental in transforming traditional farming methods and ensuring sustainable agricultural practices.
Speaking to Kashmir Reader, Prof. Dil Mohammad Maqdoomi, Director of SKUAST-Kashmir, explained that this is a seed distribution program for Shalimar Sarsoon-2, a variety developed by the university. He noted that there are 10 Krishi Vigyan Kendras in the Kashmir Valley, and one of them, Krishi Vigyan Kendra Malangpora, was selected by the central government based on performance and need.
Under the Cluster Frontline Demonstration (CFLD) program, the distribution of Sarson-2 seeds is taking place. Maqdoomi highlighted the uniqueness of Sarson-2, its resilience, and higher yield compared to other seeds. The program provides guidance on seed rate, planting methods, fertilizer use, and crop management, making it comprehensive.
In recent years, many farmers in Kashmir had abandoned mustard cultivation due to low profits and had turned to external supplies and grass for their fields. However, due to increased oil prices in the market, the government now plans to encourage farmers, especially those with small landholdings, to return to mustard cultivation. SKUAST-Kashmir has developed high-quality Sarson-2 seeds to support this initiative.

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