Srinagar: A Collaborative orientation Programme on “Integrated Agri-value Chain Development in UT of J&K” was inaugurated by Smt. Shabnam Kamili (JKAS) Secretary, Agriculture Production Department in presence of Prof. Nazir Ahmed Ganai, Vice- Chancellor, SKUAST-Kashmir, Prof. D. M. Makhdoomi, Director Extension, SKUAST-K, Prof. H. R. Naik, Director P&M SKUAST-K, Prof. V. Padmanan, Grant Thorton Bharat, B. Sridhar, CGM, NABARD, J&K and Prof. S.H. Baba, Head, School of Agricultural Economics and Horti-business Management, SKUAST-Kashmir.
The programme was organized by School of Agricultural Economics & Horti-Business Management and Directorate of Extension Education SKUAST-K in collaboration with Agriculture Production and Farmers Welfare Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir UT with knowledge partnership of Grant Thornton Bharat. The programme deliberated upon the various critical areas for Agri-Value Chain Development in eight technical sessions moderated by Dr. O.F. Khan and Dr. Abid Sultan, Assistant Professors, SAE &HBM and experts from diverse areas deliberated in each session.
Prof. V. Padmanan in his address shared experiences about the working of Grant Thorton in revitalizing Agri Value Chains in different parts of the country. He highlighted the various best practices of Agri-Value Chain, Agri- scheme design and implementation, Agri-Infrastructure development. He proposed for having multifold interventions for promotion and institutionalization of Agri-value chain development. He emphasized on incorporating bio-fertilizers, farm mechanization, quality infrastructure and inputs, strengthening Agri extension and advisory on contemporary agriculture development. He also advocated for expanding Agri-preneurship and Agri-startups in major and exotic crops of UT of J&K.
Mr. B. Sridhar, congratulated SKUAST Kashmir and organizing committee for conducting such a Programme of contemporary significance. He stressed on developing holistic approach while designing and implementing Agri-Value Chains. He advocated for developing standard operating Agri-practices, Geo-mapping, FPO formation, Post-harvest Management, Quality and testing Infrastructure for augmenting the growth of Agricultural commercialization.
Prof. H. R. Naik, discussed gradual evolution of Agri-Value Chains and the low-level focus on Post-Harvest Management. He opined that export-led agriculture is highly dependent on infusing efficiency and effectiveness in post-harvest operations as well as in promoting market expansion and diversification of crops. He emphasized on identifying missing links and boosting of processing capacities and infrastructure. He also deliberated on need of having real-time based logistical infrastructure.
Prof. D. M Makhdoomi, highlighted the significance of Agri-Value Chains in developing regions of India especially in UT of J&K. He could nicely give an instance of Value Chain associated with wool industry. He discussed the various problems faced by the farmers and the role of academia-institutions in Agri-systems for ensuring the welfare and development of the farmers. He emphasised upon formulation of a robust policy, FPO formation, PPP based interventions, capacity building and market-led extension.
Shabnam Kamili, Chief Guest of the occasion, in her inaugural address informed the participants about the commitment of Govt. of UT of J&K for transforming conventional farming into commercial farming with high thrust on quality input seeds, market diversification and collectivism. She laid emphasis on changing the thought process of farming and infusing innovation, modernity, business plan development and hand-holding of the marginalized farmers. She also stressed for increasing shelf life of Agricultural commodities and addressing Agri-business gaps effectively. She sensitized stakeholders about the effective implantation of HADP, and its components.
Prof. Nazir Ahmed Ganai, in his address highlighted the role of HADP for making UT of J&K a shinning crown of India. He briefed the participants about the various revolutionary reforms in Agri and allied sector of J&K having high interconnectivity with different stakeholders while ensuring food and nutritional security as well as environmental sustainability. He expressed that aggregation, clustering, market connectivity and export-led growth should remain the core area of sustainable agriculture in the UT of J&K.
Prof. S. H. Baba, sensitized the participant about the rising need of having digital technologies, logistic infrastructure, remunerative business models, integrated value chains, profitable markets for making greater return and commercialization of Agriculture. He also proposed the formal vote of thanks in the session.