DARS, SKUAST-K conduct training prog under HADP

Srinagar: Two-day awareness cum training programme on “Resource Conservation Technologies under Rainfed Ecologies” was conducted by Dryland Agriculture Research Station (DARS), Rangreth in collaboration with KVK, Budgam under Holistic Agriculture Development Programme (HADP) sponsored under the project entitled” Innovative Extension Approaches for Revitalizing Agriculture in J & K”.
A series of lectures along with practical demonstration and field visit covering various aspects under the theme were delivered by different resource persons to the participants. Forty participants attended the programme and were sensitized regarding the challenging issues in resource conservation and their management for increasing production and productivity in agriculture under rainfed ecologies.
The programme was inaugurated by Course Coodinator Dr. Fayaz Ahmad Bahar, Professor Agronomy in presence of scientists from DARS, Rangreth and KVK, Budgam respectively.

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