Wage war on drugs and focus on rehabilitation

Wage war on drugs and focus on rehabilitation

It is very disheartening to observe that every day there are at least one or two reports of drug peddlers being caught with drugs and arrested in our state. Who are these peddlers and why do they want to destroy future generations? It is a matter of great concern for all of us. Some serious steps must be initiated to stop the spread of the drug menace before it is too late. Let us examine some major causes, the ill effects of drugs abuse, and solutions thereof:
Causes of drug menace
• Lack of awareness regarding the consequences of drug addiction and how it has an adverse effect on a person’s psychosocial and physical health, relations, life, etc.
• Wrong parenting: – many parents are negligent about their children and their activities. This creates a distance between the parents and their children, which makes some children easy prey for drug addiction.
• Schools and colleges are also lacking in establishing proper rules to keep an eye on their students.
• Lack of serious concern and action by parents, society and the state in eliminating drug trafficking.
• Involvement of influential persons in drug abuse and trafficking.
• Not implementing strict action against drug traffickers. In some countries, such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Singapore, Thailand, etc., the punishment for drug trafficking may also lead to the death penalty, but in our country, the jail term for drug traffickers is 10 years and for repeated offences life-term imprisonment is imposed.
Dangers of drug menace
• Social disharmony in society.
• Mental agony to all the family members of the drug addict.
• A drug faces several health complications, such as depression, insomnia, paranoia, mood swings, anxiety, hallucinations, memory loss, etc. Exposure to chronic usage of drugs may also lead to liver failure, kidney damage and cardiovascular diseases.
• Increase in the crime rate due to the violent behavior of drug addicts.
• Sharing the same syringe while taking drugs leads to the spread of AIDS and Hepatitis.
Steps to eradicate the drug menace
• Conducting extensive and regular awareness programmes on drug abuse and its ill effects.
• Good parenting: being a responsible parent, one must keep an eye on the children and their activities on a daily basis.
• Schools and colleges should be more vigilant and protect their students from the danger of drugs.
• Drug victims must be counselled properly and sent to de-addiction centers, followed by follow-up actions such as engaging them in some fruitful works for their livelihood.
• Constant checking is to be conducted and a dedicated police force must be created to deal with drug traffickers.
• More serve punishment provisions must be introduced in the law to deal with drug peddlers. If any government servant is found involved in drug peddling, a direct termination provision from the job should be there, so that a fear psychosis is created among the people before thinking of drug peddling.
The drug menace is a great threat to our beautiful place as well as our peace–loving society. It is affecting the lives of many innocent youngsters, and immediate steps are required to curb the spread of drug addiction before it is too late. In addition to the existing provisions of the law to deal with drug trafficking, the state government may also frame additional serve clauses like life imprisonment even if caught for the first time, cancellation of all facilities provided to a citizen, direct termination from the job, etc. Parents should always stay in touch with their kids. A strict vigil on the activities of the children helps in moulding the mind of the children towards the right path. The NGOs that are working for the eradication of the drug menace must be suitably facilitated by the state government and society.
Fighting drug abuse and trafficking is no less than a battle, and together we can always win a battle. So, let us join hands in fighting drug menace.

Author is In-charge District Record Room Anantnag

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