Pulwama family appeals govt to rescue their stranded son from China

PULWAMA: Relatives of a Kashmiri medical student studying at a university in Wuhan province of China have appealed government to evacuate him and bring him home.
Relatives of Manzoor Ahmad Dar, student from Trichal village of Pulwama pursuing MBBS in HUBEI University of Wuhan Chinese medicine told Kashmir Reader that their son was not allowed to board the Air India flight arranged by the Government of India for e evacuation of stranded Indian Citizens from Wuhan due to slightly higher body temperature.
“He along with two other students were assured by Indian embassy to be airlifted by the next flight but that didn’t happen,” Naveed Ahmad, a cousin of the stranded student told Kashmir Reader. He added that Manzoor, who is the lone student in university hostel from India, has been continuously monitoring his body temperature since he was not allowed to board the flight.
He said that Manzoor has no symptoms of the cornovirus and can travel.
He said that they are worried about him as bad news is continuously coming from Wuhan.
“My cousin had made several requests to the Indian Embassy to airlift him to India but to no avail,” he said and appealedto government of India to evacuate him from Wuhan.

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