‘It is taking ages to open a website’

Srinagar: The restoration of mobile internet in Kashmir was welcomed by residents here on Saturday, but many said it is of little help because of low speed.
Mobile internet in Kashmir was suspended nearly six months ago in the wake of the Centre’s decision to revoke Article 370 provisions that gave the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir special status.
On Saturday, low-speed service was restored, but it can only be used to access 301 websites approved by the administration, according to officials.
Yawar Nazir, a resident of Srinagar city, was overjoyed to hear about the news of resumption of services, but his joy was shortlived as websites took a long time to open.
“The restoration is welcome news. But what are we going to do with these low speeds in the times of 4G and 5G. We cannot access the websites. It is taking ages to open a website,” Nazir said.
The restoration of mobile internet with low speed means nothing as it will not help people, especially students, another user Mehraj-ud-din said.
“The internet ban has affected our education. It has especially affected those who are seeking admissions to educational institutions and taking various examinations.
“Though mobile internet has been restored, what good will come out of it if speeds are low. We cannot access most of the websites on these speeds,” he said.
Sheeraz Ahmad Dar, a Srinagar resident, described the restoration of the service as “too little and too late”.
“This should have been done a long time ago. By now, they should have restored high-speed internet like broadband and 4G mobile internet. This (restoring the service) is too little, too late,” Dar said.
People cannot access WhatsApp and social media sites, another resident Aaishan Ahmad said.
“Many other sites are also blocked. There are only about 300 websites than we can access, most of which we do not even want to access or know of,” he said.
There are many people in the Valley who use social media sites to be in touch with their relatives living abroad, Ahmad said.
“They will still have to go for expensive phone calls. Who can imagine such a thing happening in a digital age?” he said. PTI

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