Jammu: Minister of State for Finance Ajay Nanda Thursday informed the House that the government has notified the policy (vide SRO 520 dated 21-12-2017) for regularization of workers of various categories including daily rated workers and casual labourers working in different departments.
Replying to clubbed questions the Minister informed that 1,00,501 workers have been enrolled till last date for online registration. The policy is not applicable to contractual academic arrangements, he added.
He further informed that after notifying the policy an empowerment committee has been constituted to recommend the creation of commensurate positions of Government Service Assistants (GSA) after proper scrutiny of proposals from the concerned departments.
He said that there is no policy to start new engagements of daily wagers or casual labourers.
He, however, said that in future the engagement of CSLW in any department can be made only after prior approval of the Chief Minister through the Finance Department, he added.