The Untold Story about Diamonds

The Untold Story about Diamonds

Mudasir Sheikh Most of us perceive diamonds as valuable gems found on earth. Usually, something is valuable because of its scarcity and usefulness. Diamonds are neither scarce nor useful for ordinary men/women. Diamonds are found in abundance in mines throughout the African continent, Australia and other parts of the world. Artificial diamonds are easily prepared […]

Understanding Cultural Relativism

Understanding Cultural Relativism

SYED MOHAMMAD Manipulating cultural differences to divide and exploit people remains unfortunately widespread in our world today. Cultural difference reflects attempts to make sense of varied human experiences and circumstances, and therefore, different values, norms and traditions of people around the world should be appreciated rather than being feared. Early attempts to grapple with culture, […]

My School, My Dreamland!

My School, My Dreamland!

MIR UMAR There was a time in my childhood, when I used to make pseudo lies about my sickness so as to convince parents that I was not feeling well and hence could not go to school. This was the time when I would count holidays on calendars and would mark these with a pen. […]

Reclaiming our Eutrophicated Water Bodies: Causes, Effects and Cure


Reclaiming our Eutrophicated Water Bodies: Causes, Effects and Cure

Nitrogen (N) is necessary for all life as the primary constituent of nucleotides and proteins. However, more than 99% of N on earth is dinitrogen gas (N2), which is unavailable to more than 99% of organisms, thereby limiting autotrophic production and affecting ecosystem structure. The need to overcome N limitation in agricultural food production is […]

Breast Feeding is the Best Feeding

Breast Feeding is the Best Feeding

AEJAZ IQBAL From the moment, a baby opens its eyes to this world, its body must adapt to a new life. Every factor to facilitate this adaptation has been put into effect during and after the pregnancy. The clearest example of this is the stage of the formation of mother’s milk. The formation of the […]

What needs to be Done about High Drop Out Rates in Jammu and Kashmir?

What needs to be Done about High Drop Out Rates in Jammu and Kashmir?

ALTAF HUSSAIN HAJI Education is the foundation of a society. One can appositely say, a strong society can be built by ensuring that every member of this society is educated. In most countries, governments spends substantial amount on the creation as well as on effective functioning of the educational infrastructure. But to avail such facilities […]

Education Portends Ruin

Education Portends Ruin

By Sheikh Maqbool Today, due to commercialisation and the quest for profit making , education is not only becoming costly but more insidious damage is done due to the deterioration of the educational environment , the ideology of teaching and learning , the spirit of cultivation of knowledge. The GATS, in an institution, views the […]

Modern Trends in Seerah Writing

Ishfaq Nissar Padder We believe that the role model for the whole humanity is Prophet Muhammad (SAW). The Prophet, being our ‘Role Model’ and the practical manifestation of Islam, is our guide, after the Quran, in each and every aspect of life. In lieu of this, his companions tried to pen down all the sayings […]

The Underappreciated Beauty and Glory of Mathematics

ISHFAQ AHMAD CHOPAN In elementary terms, we regard mathematics as the study of numbers, quantities, structures, spaces, and variations which involves use of certain patterns and some logic to test the truth or falsity of statements or some hypothesis. The subject of mathematics has evolved from basic counting, measurements, to the study of dynamics and […]

Wake Up Before It is Too Late: Notes on the Importance of Kashmir’s Deteriorating Soil Health

Wake Up Before It is Too Late: Notes on the Importance of Kashmir’s Deteriorating Soil Health

Dr. Tasneem Mubarak The ever expanding population and changing life styles are creating enormous demand for food, fodder, feed, fiber and fuel. To keep pace with increasing population, production must increase but not at the cost of environment and ecology. For sustainability in agriculture and allied sectors it is quite essential to maintain soil health. […]