Some Reminisces on the Religious Thoughts of Said Nursi

Some Reminisces on the Religious Thoughts of Said Nursi

BY BINISH QADRI Said Nursi, generally recognized as Bediüzzaman, meaning “miracle of the age”; or basically Üstad or master (Shukran Vahide as cited by Nur Web Pages), was a Kurdish Sunni Muslim orator cum preacher, a mystic, austere, and theologian. He wrote the Risale-i Nur Assortment, a group of Quranic interpretation, and commentary over and […]

In Cyberspace and Social Media, Our Behavior Should Correspond to Etiquettes Laid out by Islam

In Cyberspace and Social Media, Our Behavior Should Correspond to Etiquettes Laid out by Islam

Danish Hameed The current state of social media is saddening. Although the actual battle between India and Pakistan never happened but there has been many losses of relationships, many losses of friendship, many losses of dignity and so on. The Sunnah of the Prophet (SAW) is to be gentle. And, we are the Ummati of […]

Mauj (Mother)- The Blessed Gift Of Allah To Mankind!

Mauj (Mother)- The Blessed Gift Of Allah To Mankind!

ARIF AKBAR MIR There are various metrics for measurement. I want the one which can measure my mother’s love and affection. Is it possible to invent that instrument? No. Not at all. Mother’s affection and love is the unique one which is immeasurable. These are some lines which I wrote for my mother, so that […]

Biotechnology, the Future of Everything?

Biotechnology, the Future of Everything?

SHEIKH UMAR AHMAD Biotechnology, in layman’s term, is the selection or alteration of living organisms for human use. Though alteration in every other case is a simple approach, but in case of biotechnology, it involves a complex array of processes that require sophisticated technologies driven by extraordinary minds. Though technology of using living organisms for […]

Women Have Changed the Face and Thence the Profession of Dentistry

Women Have Changed the Face and Thence the Profession of Dentistry

Dr Mehvish Aijaz In the field and profession of dentistry, women have been present in the field for centuries, yet history does not record this it all. This is due to the cultural view that appreciates the work of men and favors them over women. Dentistry as any other health care profession requires hard working […]

Agricultural Modernization Opens Up New Vistas of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Income Generation

Agricultural Modernization Opens Up New Vistas of Employment, Entrepreneurship and Income Generation

Tasneem Mubarak Agriculture is one of the oldest activities carried out by human beings for centuries together. Starting from the gathering of wild grains in the beginning to planting of seeds some eleven and a half thousand years back, this sector has seen a spectacular transformation especially in the twentieth century till this time. It […]

On Aurad-i-Fathia and Hazrat Amir-I- Kabir Mir Syed Ali Hamadani (RA)

On Aurad-i-Fathia and Hazrat Amir-I- Kabir Mir Syed Ali Hamadani (RA)

SHAH KHALID Hazrat Amir Kabir Mir Syed Ali Hamadani (RA) has authored many books and pamphlets in Arabic and Persian, which lay stress on the recognition of the unity of God and the worship of One God, His remembrance and reflection also full of sublime teachings and guidance on mystic experiences, and Aurad-I-Fathia is one […]

On Distanciation: Trust is the Foundational Glue of Society and Social Cohesion

On Distanciation: Trust is the Foundational Glue of Society and Social Cohesion

Mohammad Imran In the modern world relationships are no longer tied to a specific locale. It is distanciation, which makes difficulties of relation between persons; institutions and environment fix our constant need to reconsider our actions and decisions with risk and troubles. Now , we have a variety of institutions. A few of them are […]

Archaic Methods of Motivating Teachers Won’t Work. A New Approach is Needed

Archaic Methods of Motivating Teachers Won’t Work. A New Approach is Needed

RAYEES MASROOR All professions offer their recruits the opportunity of pursuing career development, in the sense that individuals can be promoted through a clearly delineated promotions hierarchy. This aspect of a career is referred as its vertical mobility dimension. Promotion is regarded as the passage to a higher rank and is one of the reinforcers […]

Alms Giving is a Noble Act of Charity. But, Beware of Charlatans

Alms Giving is a Noble Act of Charity. But, Beware of Charlatans

FARHAD AHMAD PIR Once it was a blessing to serve the needy. Alms giving is a duty prescribed for the individual as a kind of worship. Charity makes us feel good and has positive effect on our lives. It was the usual practice in our homes to serve the hungry man or the man in […]