Know Your Food, Especially the Heat-and-Eat Kind

Know Your Food, Especially the Heat-and-Eat Kind

After packaged Rista and Goshtaba conquering the kitchens of Jammu and Kashmir, now it is the turn of traditional Kashmiri staple food (rice/ sabzi/ dal/ mutton) with small-time entrepreneurs establishing homemade units to make them, earning a profit close to Rs 4,000 a day. The cumbersome cooking process to prepare a homemade Kashmiri Thali, be […]

Is Religion the Source of Violence and Irrationality?

Is Religion the Source of Violence and Irrationality?

The phrase “Is religion” in the title above reminds me of a debate held within the famous auspices of the Oxford Union. In that debate, Professor Tariq Ramadan whilst rebutting the case of his opponents, who argued that religion is the cause of evil in the world, remarked that any discourse that starts with the […]

Concept of Shirk in Islam

Concept of Shirk in Islam

“Shirk” basically is “Polytheism”, i.e., the worship of others along with Allah. It also implies attributing divine attributes to any other besides Allah. It is the belief that the source of power, harm, or blessing is from others besides Allah. The word ‘Shirk’ comes from the Arabic root (S-R-K) with the general meaning “to share”. […]

Remembering Hussain & Ahlul Bayt

Remembering Hussain & Ahlul Bayt

The Hijri Calendar starts with one of the saddest events in Islamic history – the martyrdom of Imam Hussain in Karbala. It was the martyrdom of the People of Household (Ahlul Bayt) and its supporters, as Imam Hussain was the head of the family of the Prophet (pbuh) at that time. No matter which school […]

Treading cautiously in the Israeli-Palestinian minefield

Treading cautiously in the Israeli-Palestinian minefield

While India has welcomed the normalisation of relations between the UAE and Israel, it must not lose sight of the Palestinian problem The establishment of diplomatic ties between UAE and Israel is nothing short of an epoch shaping event. It has been welcomed around the world and India perceives in it a long stride towards […]

Self Publishing in Kashmir Akin to Self-Destruction

Self Publishing in Kashmir Akin to Self-Destruction

Let me first appreciate all those Kashmiri writers and storytellers who try to prove their mettle in the field of writing. Their writings up to a point make readers understand the events, both past and present, in this piece of land through fiction and nonfiction. These writers are assets of our society. They have worked […]

An Earnest Wish for My Kashmir

An Earnest Wish for My Kashmir

The egoistic stand taken by both India and Pakistan on Kashmir for about seven-eight decades now has caused much loss of life, economic damage, and bloodshed in both countries but most of all in Kashmir. Several attempts have been made to resolve the dispute over Kashmir diplomatically, politically, and militarily, but all have failed. As […]

Education Policy of 2020 Has Nothing New for Our School

Education Policy of 2020 Has Nothing New for Our School

The new education policy 2020 lays emphasis on the development of the creative potential of each individual. “It is based on the principle that education must develop not only cognitive capacities – both the foundational capacities of literacy and numeracy and higher-order cognitive capacities such as critical thinking and problem solving – but also social, […]

A Garden Overrun by Desolation

A Garden Overrun by Desolation

There was once a verdant garden, salubrious and vigorous, a ‘garden of life’ that turned even non-living creatures to living ones. It was this garden which defined my entire world and my life is indebted to it. Its charm was not confined to me but had fascinated people from times immemorial and had made them […]

Theory of Relativity in the Qu’ran!

Theory of Relativity in the Qu’ran!

According to the Theory of General Relativity, “Time has no independent existence apart from the order of events by which we measure it”. As time is based on perception, it is determined by the one who perceives, and is, therefore, relative. The findings of modern science have led us to the conclusion that time is […]