Life’s Greatest Lesson: Book Review of Tuesdays with Morrie

Life’s Greatest Lesson: Book Review of Tuesdays with Morrie

The book Tuesdays with Morrie has been written by American author Mitch Albom, and was first published in 1997. This novel is a memoir of Mitch Albom, based on the life reflections of a dying man – Prof Morrie Schwartz, a sociology professor. The book was listed by New York Times as a Non-Fiction Bestseller […]

Should Indian Muslims Have Their Own Media

On 26th August 2020, exactly at 1800 hrs, a slickly produced documentary was premiered on YouTube. Jamat-e Islami Hind’s commissioned documentary tried to explain the origin, development and work of the premier organisation of educated Muslims across India during the last 72 years. Earlier in May 2020, another leading Muslim organisation, Jamiat Ulema-e Hind, had […]

Netanyahu vs Gantz: Gaza Escalation as Reflection of Israel’s Political Rivalry

Netanyahu vs Gantz: Gaza Escalation as Reflection of Israel’s Political Rivalry

Only recently, the Palestinian group, Hamas, and Israel seemed close to reaching a prisoner exchange agreement, where Hamas would release several Israeli soldiers held in Gaza while Israel would set free an unspecified number of Palestinian detainees held in Israeli prisons. Instead of the much-anticipated announcement of some kind of a deal, on August 10, […]

Day of Ashura Should be Day of Introspection

Day of Ashura Should be Day of Introspection

Javed Beigh Much has changed since 570 CE, when Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was born in the city of Mecca in the Arabian Peninsula in the Banu Hashim clan of Quraysh tribe. Even though the “Deen-e-Islam” has always in existence through unaltered original monotheistic faith of Adam, Abraham, Moses and other prophets, it was the Prophet […]

From Bureaucracy to Politics and Vice-Versa

From Bureaucracy to Politics and Vice-Versa

Let Shah Faesal decide what’s good for him. Kashmir is the most suitable laboratory for every type of experiment. If results come good then it is the ruler’s blessings, if bad then it is the people’s fault. It was in bureaucracy where Dr Faesal understood that no matter the rank, whether you are IAS or […]

Fish in distress

Fish in distress

Water bodies in Kashmir have been marred by extensive pollution, siltation and encroachments, greatly affecting the fish that live in them A sudden appearance of dead trout fish at the surface of a pond in Handwara recently garnered considerable interest and concern in Kashmir. Our first reaction is to suspect poisoning of the water body. […]

‘Palestine is Still the Issue’: UN Vote Exposes, Isolates Canada

‘Palestine is Still the Issue’: UN Vote Exposes, Isolates Canada

The notion that ‘Canada is better’, especially when compared with US foreign policy, has persisted for many years. Recent events at the United Nations have, however, exposed the true nature of Canada’s global position, particularly in the matter of its blind and unconditional support for Israel. On June 17, Canada lost its second bid for […]

Consanguineous marriage: Many more risks than benefits

Consanguineous marriage: Many more risks than benefits

Marital union among close biological kin is not uncommon. Current data suggests that about 10% of global population is related as second cousins or closer. The highest rates of consanguineous marriages occur in south and west Asia, Middle East, and north Africa. Overall, it is commonly seen in immigrant populations and the rate varies from […]

Take care of your child’s mental health

Take care of your child’s mental health

The behaviour of children can sometimes look odd and mysterious. It is hard to understand mood swings, emotional breakdowns, tantrums, hyper activity or solitary behaviour. All these are part of a child’s mental health, which parents often overlook. For child psychology experts, the capacity to achieve and maintain optimal psychological functioning and wellbeing is referred […]

What toys and games can teach

What toys and games can teach

The Atmanirbhar idea was recently extended by the Prime Minister to the toys and games industry. The Prime Minister spoke of the usefulness of toys as a means of developing psychomotor and cognitive skills in a child. He spoke about an official meeting convened to discuss ways to boost manufacturing and to transform the character […]