Israel’s Friends Dictate the Agenda of the Republican Party

Israel’s Friends Dictate the Agenda of the Republican Party

It is difficult – and futile – to argue which American president has historically been more pro-Israel. While former President Barack Obama, for example, has pledged more money to Israel than any other US administration in history, Donald Trump has provided Israel with a blank check of seemingly endless political concessions. Certainly, the unconditional backing […]

Teacher’s Day: A Teacher’s Influence Lasts for Generations

Teacher’s Day: A Teacher’s Influence Lasts for Generations

No matter how old we grow, the lessons taught by our teachers can never be forgotten. Good teaching is more a giving of right questions than a giving of right answers. Let us remember: one book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. Dear readers, teaching is the one profession that […]

Teacher’s Day: A Tribute to my Teachers

Teacher’s Day: A Tribute to my Teachers

Let me tell you a story about two great teachers of my village, who used to teach with passion, loved the students like their own children, did much more than only teach in the classroom, and who were both academic and emotional support to their students. The late Gh Muhammad Maatoo (alias Maatoo sahab) and […]

Turkey’s brinkmanship under Erdogan

Turkey’s brinkmanship under Erdogan

The recent discovery of rich hydrocarbon reserves in the eastern Mediterranean sea by both Greece and Turkey has brought two NATO allies on the verge of war. Greece claimed the entire region as its own, while Turkey has made it clear that they won’t it give it up without a fight. Much to Turkey’s chagrin, […]

High-Density Apple: Sustaining higher returns needs both research and policy support

High-Density Apple: Sustaining higher returns needs both research and policy support

This is in response to the recent reports by Kashmir Reader Correspondent Mr Raashid Hassan titled “High density apples fetch excellent returns this year” and “Success of high density apple raises demand for similar schemes”. In Kashmir, high-density apple farming no doubt is gaining momentum and many success stories are emerging from it. One is […]

How Israeli Piracy Destroyed Gaza’s Once Thriving Fishing Industry

How Israeli Piracy Destroyed Gaza’s Once Thriving Fishing Industry

On August 16, the Israeli navy declared the Gaza sea a closed military zone. A few days later, a group of Gaza fishermen decided to take their chances by fishing within a mere two or three nautical miles off the Gaza shore. No sooner had they cast their nets, Israeli navy bullets began whizzing all […]

How Kashmir’s Economy was Ruined

How Kashmir’s Economy was Ruined

A year since reading down of Article 370, J-K’s economy is in crisis. In August last year a complete communication blackout and lockdown was enforced by the BJP-led central government after it scrapped Article 370 and suspended J-K’s constitution. The state was put under complete lockdown, thousands of more troops were flown in, and tourists […]

Journalism is now agenda setting & media trial

Journalism is now agenda setting & media trial

We have three pillars of government – legislature, executive, & judiciary. They have checks and balances to keep everyone accountable. Media makes accountable all the three organs of the state and hence is called the 4th pillar of democracy. It acts as the guardian of public interest and a bridge between people and state. All […]

Being Responsible is the only way to avoid Fatal Accidents

Hardly any day passes now without news of tragic road accidents. Apart from claiming valuable lives, the road accidents have other serious consequences which are long lasting. The way lives are cut short in road accidents render irreparable losses to the near and dear ones of the dead. The painful memories and the lasting wounds […]

Say No to Drugs

Say No to Drugs

Drugs can quickly take over our lives. Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person’s body or mind works. Drugs are not good for health as they have many side effects and damage our brain, heart and other important organs. Drugs are depressants that slow down the functions of the central nervous system. Some […]