Wine or Zam-Zam, the zest of throats matters

Wine or Zam-Zam, the zest of throats matters

While descending the stairs of a certain office, a man appeared breathing a sigh of relief but at the same time wearing an expression of anguish on his face. A certain work of his had been accomplished and the sigh of relief was for that, while the anguish came from the fact that he had […]

Gupkar Declaration: a primer

Gupkar Declaration: a primer

On Aug 5, 2019, India dealt a humiliating knock to the NC, PDP, PC, etc, and rubbed their noses in the dust. But did it cause any change in them? No. Go back to history and you will know that Mr Sheikh Abdullah agreed to accept the CM’s post after being dumped from the PM’s […]

A lesson from failure

A lesson from failure

Recently the result for NEET 2020 has been announced and while I congratulate all those who made it, my concern here is for those who could not. Does the NTA or any other agency certify that some persons have failed in their whole life? If not, then why these students are being mocked or agonised […]

Zionist War on Palestinian Festival in Rome

Zionist War on Palestinian Festival in Rome

A Zionist-led war on a Palestinian cultural festival in Rome has exposed the fragility of the Italian political system when it comes to the conversation on Palestine and Israel. The sad truth is that, although Italy is not often associated with a ‘powerful’ pro-Israel lobby as is the case in Washington, the pro-Israel influence in […]

Shattered Dreams of Sir Syed and Ataturk

Shattered Dreams of Sir Syed and Ataturk

South Asian countries recently observed the birth anniversary of Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, legendary Muslim social reformer in British India. Unfortunately, the present generation of Muslim men and women in South Asian region including Kashmir valley know little about the difficult conditions under which Sir Syed Ahmed Khan initiated his pathbreaking social and educational reforms, […]

Job Vacancy: Full-time Mother

Job Vacancy: Full-time Mother

Mothers are, increasingly, simultaneously present and absent in their children’s lives. With both parents working, care givers /nannies are being hired to look after children. Middle and upper-class families are especially hiring care givers for their children. Even essential acts like breastfeeding are now being done by nannies. This change in the methods of child […]

Study Sirah this month as a tribute to Muhammad (saw)

Study Sirah this month as a tribute to Muhammad (saw)

The Muslim population is approaching the two-billion mark that makes up almost 25% of the total world population. Despite such a huge number, the Muslim populace is greatly beset with poverty and illiteracy. More than 40% of the Muslim population doesn’t know how to read and write! The rest who are educated disappoint in other […]

Health Insurance in the Covid-19 Economy

Health Insurance in the Covid-19 Economy

Health is not only physical welfare but mental and social well being, too. It is very important to have the capability to make correct decisions regarding health. In view of that, health insurance generally and particularly in Covid-19 times is one of the best investment decisions. We must be well-versed with the fundamentals of health […]

Caste Hierarchy: A Ladder to Sexual Savagery

Caste Hierarchy: A Ladder to Sexual Savagery

India is facing a crisis not only economic but also ethical. People of lower castes who are repeatedly treated like garbage sacks are now facing appalling assaults on their women. The caste system that has its roots in ancient India has not yet slackened its hold upon the masses, especially in rural areas. People of […]

Kashmir’s beauty a deceptive facade

Kashmir’s beauty a deceptive facade

The beauty of Kashmir can be best seen in photographs; to the naked eye the picture is quite different. The people who believe that Kashmir is a paradise, if its reality be revealed to them, then in spite of the beautiful mountains, rivers and lakes, they would be horrified to see images of blood on […]