Season Of Sowing Seeds: Emblem Of Economic Prosperity

Season Of Sowing Seeds: Emblem Of Economic Prosperity

The economic value of plants is measured by their price in the market economy In the intricate tapestry of sowing seeds, thronging masses in villages and markets to acquire hybrid seeds reflects a flood of memories from the bygone era when people used to visit hi-tech ploy houses to bring different seedlings of vegetables. This […]

Do not ignore any backache; prompt and early intervention can treat the condition

Do not ignore any backache; prompt and early intervention can treat the condition

Ignoring backaches may lead to herniated disc, debilitating the quality of life Back pain is a prevalent issue that affects millions worldwide, often stemming from various causes such as muscle strain, poor posture, injuries, or degenerative conditions. Among these, slipped discs remain a significant concern due to their debilitating impact on daily life. Understanding the […]

NATO’s Never-ending War: The 75-Year-Old Bully is Faltering

NATO’s Never-ending War: The 75-Year-Old Bully is Faltering

The western discourse on the circumstances behind the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), 75 years ago, is hardly convincing. Yet, that over-simplified discourse must be examined in order for the current decline of the organization to be appreciated beyond the self-serving politics of NATO’s members. The history records page of the US […]

Bhand Pather: Echoes Of Tradition

Bhand Pather: Echoes Of Tradition

Once a radiant beacon of cultural expression, this treasured folk theatre tradition grapples with the shadows of obscurity The traditional Bhand Pather, our chief source of entertainment in the bygone era mirrored the society satirically, at a time when there was no social media. As a community of folk artists, the Bhands travelled from village […]

Fun and Paradox in English Language

Fun and Paradox in English Language

The playful quirks and contradictions that make English a language of endless fascination The English language is dubbed with so many sobriquets and epithets. It is enjoying the status of International language, lingua franca, bridge language etc. People crave to learn this because of its International status, richness and grace. In comparison to other languages, […]

Preventing Violence, Promoting Justice: A Look at the Domestic Violence Act 2005

Preventing Violence, Promoting Justice: A Look at the Domestic Violence Act 2005

One law that attempts to shield people from abuse in their homes is the Domestic Violence Act of 2005, which primarily targets women. It describes the range of violent behaviours that can occur in domestic environments, including emotional, physical, sexual, and financial abuse. The law offers avenues for victims to obtain support and assistance, including […]

The Racing Craze In Kashmir

The Racing Craze In Kashmir

Reckless racing is a lethal trend threatening lives Undoubtedly, death is inescapable, but the loss of young lives in recurring accidents is terribly shocking. Every new day, tragedies befall us that turn normal life into mourning and wailing. Sorrows grip corners of tranquility across the towns and cities, leaving everyone shattered and broken. In the […]

Ethical crisis in Kashmiri ‘journalism’

Ethical crisis in Kashmiri ‘journalism’

In Kashmir, a disturbing trend has emerged, where “journalism” seems to have lost its ethical compass, leaving a trail of exploited emotions and shattered trust. With every passing day, it seems like every other person is picking up a camera or a microphone, ready to capture and exploit tragedy without a moment’s hesitation. Recent events, […]

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders: The Responsibility Of Educators

Shaping Tomorrow’s Leaders: The Responsibility Of Educators

In a world where the future is uncertain, one thing remains constant: the pivotal role of educators in shaping the next generation. As we entrust our children to the care of teachers, we do not simply expect them to impart knowledge for the present, but to mould young minds for the challenges of tomorrow. This […]

Common picture for Earth Day

Common picture for Earth Day

Earth Day: A Wake-Up Call and a Reminder to Take Action for Protecting the Environment Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22nd with the aim of raising awareness about various issues and challenges the planet Earth faces and discussing possible interventions for lessening the impact. Thanks to “Silent Spring,” written by Rachel Carson, […]

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