Ethical crisis in Kashmiri ‘journalism’

Ethical crisis in Kashmiri ‘journalism’

In Kashmir, a disturbing trend has emerged, where “journalism” seems to have lost its ethical compass, leaving a trail of exploited emotions and shattered trust. With every passing day, it seems like every other person is picking up a camera or a microphone, ready to capture and exploit tragedy without a moment’s hesitation.
Recent events, particularly the tragic division of families in the aftermath of a major incident, have highlighted this alarming phenomenon. Instead of allowing grieving families the space and time to process their loss, the self-proclaimed journalists descend upon them like vultures, thrusting microphones in their faces, demanding instant reactions and soundbites. It’s a blatant disregard for basic human decency and empathy.
The rush to be the first to break a story has led many “journalists” to abandon the fundamental principles of journalism – verification, confirmation, and consent. Videos are shared without proper investigation or consideration of the impact they may have on the individuals involved. The line between reporting news and sensationalism has blurred, with sensationalism often winning out.
What’s most concerning is the lack of accountability among these self-proclaimed journalists. There seems to be little reflection on the consequences of their actions, both for the subjects of their stories and for the society at large. Emotions are manipulated, and narratives twisted, all in the name of garnering views and clicks.
It’s the vulnerable who suffer the most at the hands of these media opportunists. The poorest and the most marginalized members of society are exploited for sensational headlines and heart-wrenching stories, without any consideration for their dignity or well-being.
It’s time for a wake-up call. Journalists have a responsibility not just to report the news, but to do so ethically and responsibly. Sensationalism and exploitation have no place in journalism. It’s time to prioritize the dignity and humanity of those we report on, to uphold the principles of truth, accuracy, and empathy.
While these journalists often fail to fulfill their true responsibilities, it’s evident that their focus is misplaced. Instead of seeking accountability from the government on crucial issues such as the drug menace that plagues our society, they choose to extract soundbites from grieving families. It’s high time they redirected their efforts towards meaningful journalism that serves the public interest.
Their lack of courage to confront authorities and demand answers on pressing societal issues speaks volumes about their priorities. Instead of holding those in power accountable, they choose the path of least resistance, preying on the vulnerability of the poor and marginalized. While there are undoubtedly some journalists who do commendable work, the majority seem content to chase sensationalism without a second thought, often at the expense of truth and integrity.
It’s imperative that these journalists reassess their role in society and recognize the power they hold to effect meaningful change. Rather than exploiting the misfortunes of others for fleeting fame, they should use their platform to amplify the voices of the marginalized and demand accountability from those in power. Only then can journalism truly serve its noble purpose of informing, empowering, and advocating for the public good.
To the fellow journalists, I implore you: let’s reclaim the essence of your profession. Let’s prioritize integrity over sensationalism, and empathy over exploitation. Let’s remember that behind every headline, every story, there are real lives at stake. Let’s do better.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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