Why Closure Is Important

Why Closure Is Important

Understanding the importance of closure in processing endings and moving forward in life It is stated that everything good in life eventually ends, but I would like to go one step further and say that everything in life eventually ends. Like everything else, endings have different types. Some endings are lovely, brimming with anticipation for […]

Unravelling the Economic Odyssey of Jammu & Kashmir

Unravelling the Economic Odyssey of Jammu & Kashmir

An analysis of economic growth, agricultural modernisation, tourism potential and unemployment dynamics in the region Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) is an area of great natural beauty and cultural significance. Beyond its gorgeous vistas, there is a complex economic landscape characterised by resilience, obstacles, and aspirations. This article goes further into the empirical data to provide […]

Climate Change Is A Health Crisis

Climate Change Is A Health Crisis

Examining the impact, vulnerabilities and mitigation strategies and protecting human health amidst environmental challenges Once an unknown threat, climate change is now an urgent reality that affects every aspect of our lives, including our health. This article discusses into the complex relationship between human health and climate change, examining its sources, indications, effects, vulnerable groups, […]

How Fast Food Affects Children’s Health

How Fast Food Affects Children’s Health

Fast food or junk food is a generic term for all kinds of foods which are rich in energy, because they contain a lot of fat and sugar, as well as salt, but are relatively low in other important nutrients such as protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. However, fast food is extremely attractive to most […]

Reflecting On Your Future Self: A Guide For Students

Reflecting On Your Future Self: A Guide For Students

The idea of ‘self’ refers to your inner essence, your true nature, and what makes you, who you are: Socrates It’s simple for students to become engrossed in the chaos of homework, tests, and extracurricular activities. We frequently neglect to gaze farther beyond the local horizon since the present moment requires so much of our […]

A Comprehensive Guide To Responsible Smartphone Usage For Children

A Comprehensive Guide To Responsible Smartphone Usage For Children

By fostering open communication, setting clear boundaries, educating ourselves, monitoring our children’s digital activities, and leading by example, we can empower our children to navigate the digital landscape with confidence, resilience, and integrity. In an era defined by technological advancement, smartphones have become an integral part of our daily lives. From communication and education to […]

Understanding The Relationship Between Spirituality And Religion

Understanding The Relationship Between Spirituality And Religion

By understanding the similarities and differences between these two concepts, we can develop a more nuanced and informed approach to spirituality and religious practice. Spirituality and religion are two concepts that are often used interchangeably, but they are not necessarily the same thing. While religion is often based on a set of organized beliefs, rituals, […]

American Intifada For Gaza: What Should We Expect?

American Intifada For Gaza: What Should We Expect?

The mass protests at dozens of US universities cannot be reduced to a stifling and misleading conversation about antisemitism. Thousands of American students across the country are not protesting, risking their own futures and very safety, because of some pathological hate for the Jewish people. They are doing so in a complete rejection of, and […]

Farewell To My Mentor: Tribute To Farooq Sahab

Farewell To My Mentor: Tribute To Farooq Sahab

Downcast eyes, full of blazing tears, cold sighs and quivering lips! This is the language we human beings speak at the present occasion. Some human beings, we meet in life put an everlasting impression on us, and for me, respected Farooq Sahab is one among them. I have been working under him for almost the […]

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