Why Closure Is Important

Why Closure Is Important

Understanding the importance of closure in processing endings and moving forward in life

It is stated that everything good in life eventually ends, but I would like to go one step further and say that everything in life eventually ends. Like everything else, endings have different types. Some endings are lovely, brimming with anticipation for the day after tomorrow, and they make you feel content. However, some conclusions are just downright unpleasant. They make you doubt your feeling of value. You struggle to let them go of you because they leave you feeling empty. Therefore, closure is more crucial than we might realize.
A person can experience closure when they have a conversation that makes them feel as though a distressing, perplexing, depleting, or very upsetting situation has been resolved. Psychology has given closure a lot of attention because of how important it is to the process of moving on. According to observations, those who experienced some form of closure after an ending grieved more healthily and were able to move on more quickly than those who didn’t. Where the person is left with questions is frequently in their yearning for closure. Experiencing a breakup with a boyfriend, friend, or relative without a good reason, being fired from a job without a good reason, or seeing a loved one commit suicide or pass away suddenly and violently.
Curiousness is ingrained in us. We seek explanations for why things occur, and when we are unable to do so, it stunts our ability to think critically. Finding solutions, however, is not always effective in lessening suffering. Sometimes, responses to questions about closure provide no comfort at all or can make the sorrow worse. In any case, a person can accept the hurt and push through it since knowing something is still preferable to not knowing anything at all. Knowing provides the opportunity to assess situations, which improves understanding. The ability to move forward is strengthened by a deeper understanding.
Finding solutions also has the disadvantage of occasionally making the sufferer’s situation worse. Closure can trigger traumatic memories for some people, therefore it is important to choose carefully which traumas require closure and which can be left to heal naturally. After the trauma has been identified, the next phase is acceptance. This involves accepting the anguish, the hurt, the severity and extent of the harm, and making a plan for how to go forward. The most important thing to remember is that acceptance is the first step toward healing. This includes accepting your pain and the fact that not everyone has the same feelings for, about, and toward you. As a result, you can’t expect others to give you something they have no knowledge of. Because that’s just how life is, you frequently have to move on from deeply upsetting incidents that no one ever acknowledges or regrets despite how unpleasant it may sound.
Everyone experiences emotions at varying intensities. Individuals differ in this regard. Something can be quite trivial to me, yet it can be absolutely devastating to someone else. An apology can make all the difference, and resolution and ending things on a high note are underappreciated. Therefore, there should be a normalising of sincere apologies and acceptance of resolution culture so that people can mourn in a healthy way and go on with their lives.
The writer can be reached at [email protected]

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