JK didn’t record any polio case since 2010

JAMMU: Second round of Intensified Pulse Polio Immunization Programme began Sunday from Government Hospital Gandhi Nagar here. An official spokesman said that this campaign will continue for another two days by way of house-to-house activity to trace and administer polio drops to the children left out on the first day of the round. Minister for […]

JKLF vows to continue protest till justice is not done in Pathribal fake encounter case

JKLF vows to continue protest till justice is not done in Pathribal fake encounter case

SRINAGAR: Asserting that people of Kashmir will not keep silent on the closure of Pathribal fake encounter case, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Saturday said that it will “continue to protest till the killers are brought to justice.” A statement issued by the JKLF spokesman said that its supreme council, which meet Saturday at […]

Kunan-Poshpora mass rape anniversary

SRINAGAR: On the eve of 23rd anniversary of infamous Kunan-Poshpora mass rape by army, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman, Syed Ali Geelani, Saturday reiterated his demand for investigation into the incident by an independent agency. “Though some Kashmiri women have filed a PIL in the local court to reopen and reinvestigate the case, but we should […]

Finance Min doesn’t own bungalow in Dubai: CM

JAMMU: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah on Saturday said that allegation about one of his Cabinet ministers that he possessed a bungalow in Dubai has proved “totally baseless”. Allegation levelled against Finance Minister Abdul Rahim Rather that he possessed a bungalow in Dubai “has been proved as totally wrong when investigated by the Vigilance Organization,” Abdullah […]

Take lessons from Jayalalithaa, Mamta Banerjee: Kashmir Inc to Omar Abdullah

Take lessons from Jayalalithaa, Mamta Banerjee: Kashmir Inc to Omar Abdullah

SRINAGAR: Coming down heavily on Chief Minister Omar Abdullah, Kashmir Economic Alliance (KEA), an umbrella of Valley based trade organisations, Saturday asked him to shun “helplessness and weakness” in confronting the NHPC over the return of power projects. “Omar Abdullah should take a lesson or two from Jayalalithaa (chief minister of Tamil Naidu) and Mamta […]

Employees can’t be anti-establishment: JKJCC

Srinagar: Hailing Chief Minister Omar Abdullah’s recent “employees- friendly” statement in the Legislative Assembly, Convener Jammu and Kashmir Joint Consultative Committee (JKJCC)  and President Civil Secretariat Non Gazetted Employees Union Rauf Ahmad Saturday said that no “politically-motivated person shall be allowed to derail the genuine struggle of employees.” “ JCC, an umbrella organization of  trade […]

‘New Congress Party’ launched

Srinagar: A pro-India party named ‘New Congress Party’ was launched here on Saturday with its chairman saying the party will support former Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad and oppose state Congress chief Saif-ud-Din Soz. Addressing a news conference, chairman of the ‘New Congress Party’, BM Reshi accused Soz of dividing Congress in Jammu and Kashmir. […]