Hidden Burden: Understanding the Mental Health Toll of Examination Pressure and Role of Parents

Hidden Burden: Understanding the Mental Health Toll of Examination Pressure and Role of Parents

In Kashmir, a grim has been haunting the region for years: examination pressure, scoring rich grades, comparison among kids and its devastating impact on the mental health of children, leading to a rise of mental health concerns among the students. In Kashmir, like in many other parts of the world, the education system places a significant emphasis on academic achievement. Students are under immense pressure to excel in their studies, often from a very young age. The pressure to perform well in examinations, to get good rank & stream in competitive exams and score good marks is a common concern among children in the region. The social and family expectations for academic success are creating a stressful environment for students, leading to anxiety and performance-related issues.
The stress and anxiety associated with exams can lead to various mental health issues such as depression, anxiety disorders, and burnout. Students often experience pressure to perform well, fear of failure, and intense academic demands, all of which can take a toll on their well-being. The relentless focus on exams, tests, and grades creates an environment of intense competition and stress, leaving many children overwhelmed and anxious.
For students in Kashmir, the pressure to perform well in exams is further exacerbated by the political unrest and conflict that has plagued the region for decades. The uncertainty and instability in the region and the changed examination sessions add an extra layer of stress to the lives of young students, making it even more challenging for them to cope with the academic demands placed upon them. As a result of this intense pressure, an alarming number of children in Kashmir are succumbing to the burden of expectations and resorting to extreme measures to escape their mental anguish and, tragically, in some cases, even suicide among children.
The prevalence of examination pressure and anxiety among children has been on the rise, quite intense and demanding in recent years have a significant impact on mental health among students of the valley. With increasing academic demands, extracurricular activities, and social pressures, children are often overwhelmed and find it difficult to manage their stress levels. This often results in high levels of competition among students, as they strive to excel academically and secure top marks in their exams. The fear of failure, parental expectations, and peer competition and the desire to meet societal standards of success can create a toxic environment that may hinder students’ overall development and happiness. This can all contribute to feelings of anxiety and despair, ultimately leading some children to contemplate or even attempt suicide.
Excessive exam pressure can result in symptoms like panic attacks, insomnia, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. It can also lead to feelings of inadequacy, low self-esteem, and self-doubt. Long-term exposure to high levels of stress from exams can contribute to chronic mental health problems if not addressed. To address the challenges of examination pressure and scoring good marks among children in Kashmir, it is crucial to create a supportive and nurturing environment. This can be done by promoting mental health awareness, providing access to counselling services, offering academic support, and encouraging a balanced approach to education that values well-being alongside academic achievement. It is crucial for parents to recognize the signs of examination pressure and anxiety in their children and provide them with the necessary support and guidance to help them cope with these challenges.
Empowering students to cope with stress, teaching effective study habits, and encouraging a growth mindset can all contribute to helping children in Kashmir navigate the pressures of examinations and achieve success in their academics in a healthy and sustainable manner.
It’s important for students to prioritize self-care during exam periods by practising healthy coping mechanisms such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, relaxation techniques, and seeking support from friends, family, or mental health professionals. Schools and educational institutions can also play a role in promoting mental well-being by providing resources for stress management, offering counselling services, and creating a supportive environment for students facing exam pressure.
It is imperative that parents, educators, and policymakers work together to create a supportive and nurturing environment for students, one that values their well-being and mental health as much as their academic success and to instill in children the value of learning for the sake of knowledge and personal growth, rather than solely for the purpose of achieving top marks. By fostering a love for learning, curiosity, and critical thinking skills, students in Kashmir can develop a deeper understanding of the subjects they study and cultivate a lifelong passion for education, recognize the negative effects of excessive exam pressure on children and take steps to support their holistic development. Encouraging a healthy balance between academics, extracurricular activities, and personal well-being is essential to ensure that children in Kashmir can thrive both academically and emotionally. Prioritizing mental health support, promoting a growth mindset, and celebrating diverse forms of success beyond academic achievements are key steps in alleviating the burden of exam pressure on students.
One crucial aspect of the role of parents in addressing examination pressure and anxiety is fostering a healthy and balanced approach to academics. While academic success is important, it is equally essential for parents to emphasize the importance of overall well-being, including mental health, physical health, and social connections. Encouraging children to prioritize self-care, maintain a healthy work-life balance, and seek help when needed can help prevent feelings of overwhelm and desperation, to promote a positive attitude towards mistakes and failures. It is essential for children to understand that setbacks are a natural part of the learning process and do not define their worth or capabilities. By reframing failures as opportunities for growth and learning, parents can help children develop resilience, perseverance, and a healthy attitude towards challenges.
Furthermore, parents can support their children by creating a nurturing and supportive home environment that prioritizes open communication, emotional expression, and mutual understanding. By fostering a sense of trust and safety, parents can help children feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings, seeking help when needed, and developing healthy coping strategies to address stress and anxiety and other mental health concerns.
In addition to providing emotional support, parents can also collaborate with schools, educators, and mental health professionals to create a comprehensive support system for children facing examination pressure and anxiety. By working together with teachers and counsellors, parents can ensure that their children receive the necessary resources, accommodations, and interventions to help them cope with stress and perform to the best of their abilities.
Parents play a critical role in helping their children navigate through these difficult times. It is essential for parents to maintain open lines of communication with their children, listen to their concerns, and offer them emotional support. By creating a safe and supportive environment at home, parents can help alleviate some of the pressure their children may be feeling and instill in them a sense of confidence and self-worth.
Additionally, parents can help their children develop healthy coping mechanisms to deal with exam-related stress and anxiety. Encouraging regular exercise, mindfulness practices, and hobbies can provide children with much-needed outlets for stress relief and relaxation. Setting realistic expectations, celebrating their achievements, and emphasizing the importance of effort over outcomes can also help alleviate the fear of failure and reduce feelings of inadequacy.
It is important for parents to be vigilant about the warning signs of anxiety and depression in their children. Changes in behaviour, mood swings, difficulty concentrating, irritability, and social withdrawal can all be indications that a child is struggling with overwhelming exam pressure. In such cases, parents should seek professional help from counsellors, therapists, or mental health professionals to provide their children with the necessary support and intervention.
Additionally, creating a supportive environment where students feel comfortable seeking help, expressing their concerns, and learning from their mistakes can help mitigate the negative impact of exam pressure. Encouraging open communication, providing mentorship, and offering resources for academic support and mental health services are essential components of creating a positive learning environment for children in Kashmir.
Furthermore, it’s important to reevaluate the existing educational system to reduce the emphasis on rote memorization and standardized testing. Emphasizing a more holistic approach to education that values creativity, problem-solving skills, and emotional intelligence can help reduce the undue pressure on students to perform well in exams.
Efforts must be made to destigmatize mental health issues, provide access to counselling and support services, and introduce holistic approaches to education that prioritize the overall development and well-being of students. Schools and communities must foster a culture of mindfulness, empathy, and emotional resilience to help children navigate the pressures of academic life in a healthy and sustainable manner.
In conclusion, the issue of examination pressure and anxiety leading to suicide among children is a significant and complex challenge that requires immediate attention, action and a multifaceted approach involving parents, educators, mental health professionals, and policymakers. Parents play a crucial role in helping their children navigate through these challenges by offering them emotional support, instilling confidence, and promoting healthy coping mechanisms, without succumbing to the overwhelming pressure to score top marks in exams. By addressing these issues proactively and seeking help when needed, parents can create a supportive environment that fosters resilience and enables children to overcome their challenges and thrive academically, and emotionally and seeking help when needed.
So, by working together to create a supportive and nurturing environment for children, we can help them navigate through the challenges of academic pressure and emerge stronger, healthier, and more resilient in the face of adversity. It is only by working together and prioritizing the well-being of our children that we can hope to prevent further tragedies and build a brighter future for the next generations in Kashmir.
The writer is a professional social worker (MASW-Kashmir University), currently working as a Mental Health Counsellor (Mission Vatsalya, Government of Jammu and Kashmir). Feedback at [email protected].

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