Empowering dreams: Women’s SHG establishes sanitary napkin production unit in Bandipora

Empowering dreams: Women’s SHG establishes sanitary napkin production unit in Bandipora

Young entrepreneurs turn aspirations into reality, break barriers in Shahgund, Hajin

Bandipora: In a remarkable display of determination and empowerment, a group of eleven young women from Shahgund village in Hajin, Bandipora, has transformed their dream into reality by establishing a sanitary napkin production unit. The initiative not only addresses a crucial aspect of women’s health but also contributes to economic empowerment in the community.
This group of eleven members, part of a Self Help Group (SHG), conceptualized the idea of producing sanitary napkins and received training for the successful running of the unit. Supported by UMEED under the National Rural Livelihoods Mission (NRLM), the entrepreneurial venture has not only fulfilled their aspirations but has also created job opportunities for others.
Razia Jan, the entrepreneur leading the initiative, expressed her gratitude for the support provided by UMEED backed NRLM. She shared that this venture was a lifelong dream, and with the backing of NRLM, she successfully transformed it into a thriving reality. The initiative not only brings financial independence to Razia but also serves as a beacon of hope for those she employs.
Manufacturing and marketing sanitary napkins under the brand name ‘Rahat Health and Wellbeing,’ the group has faced challenges but remains committed to their mission. Razia highlighted the support received from her family and the National Rural Livelihood Mission, emphasizing that success in this venture wouldn’t have been possible without their assistance in financing and training.
Shreen Shafi, District Program Manager for Institution Building and Capacity Building in Bandipora, acknowledged the importance of the project in promoting hygienic practices and addressing the unavailability and unaffordability of sanitary napkins for women in the area. The establishment of this project stands as a testament to the transformative power of community-driven initiatives like NRLM and the determination of individuals who refuse to be bound by societal norms.
As these young entrepreneurs break barriers and inspire others to follow their dreams, the success story of the Shahgund sanitary napkin unit serves as a reminder that with support and determination, dreams can indeed become a reality. The initiative not only empowers women economically but also contributes to a positive shift in community perspectives on hygiene and women’s health.

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