Defunct streetlights in Hajin repaired after KR report

Hajin: Following a report by Kashmir Reader on January 02, 2023, shedding light on the dysfunctional streetlights in Hajin town, the Municipal Committee has taken prompt action to repair the lights, alleviating the inconvenience faced by the local populace.
Responding to the highlighted issue, the Executive Officer of the Municipal Committee in Hajin conveyed to the KR office on Thursday that the defunct streetlights had been successfully repaired.
Locals in Hajin expressed their heartfelt gratitude to Kashmir Reader for bringing attention to the genuine issues faced by the town. The swift actions taken by the authorities in repairing the dysfunctional lights have alleviated immense inconvenience for the general public.
Prior to the repairs, residents had reported that the street lights in Hajin were non-functional for over a year, causing significant inconvenience.

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