Naranag – A Heritage Destination For Tourists

Naranag – A Heritage Destination For Tourists

Naranag or Nara Nag is a tourist hamlet and base for trekking and adventure tours in the Ganderbal district of Kashmir valley. It lies in the foothills of the Pir Panjal range, which extends southeast to connect with other popular trekking points. One of the most breathtaking moments is felt higher up where the magnificent Gangabal Lake is present.
At the base are the remains of ancient temples built with large granite blocks. The monument looks fascinating with huge rock blocks resting over one another. In the nearby area is a small village. The temple complex is believed to be an ancient monument dedicated to the deity Shiva.
Naranag is located almost 50 kilometers from Srinagar in Ganderbal district on the road to Kargil in Jammu and Kashmir. It is a place blessed with such beauty that it belongs in your dreams. Tucked cozily in the mountains and encircled by dense forests, it is the kind of place that photographers are always on the lookout for. One of the famous tourist attractions of Naranag is the Naranag Temple built in the 8th century, much of which lies in ruins today but is great for sightseeing. The village here serves as a base camp for Mount Harmukh, Gangabal and Satsar. River Wangath, a tributary of River Sindh, flows through the village, and right beside it is a glacier. Coming across this sight will relieve you from all your inner worries and stress.
The beauty of this area is throbbing to all the adventure and nature lovers of the world. This village is also an eco-tourism site, where one can find a large number of tourists visiting every year in the month of autumn. There is a stream that flows beside the monuments, fed by glaciers and the Gangabal Lake is situated high up in the mountains. The mountains are uninhabited, except for the local tribes called Gujjars who take their cattle to graze on the terraces.
The beauty of Naranag lies in the fact that it is desolate, except for the luxuries of nature. As you ascend, there is tranquility and even the murmur of stream vanishes at many places. According to some reports, unique specie like raccoons has been sighted.
Naranag is also one of the hidden gems of Kashmir. The place is heaven for trekkers; in fact, it is the base for trekking and voyage tours. It is a pilgrimage and a heritage destination for tourists around the world and can be explored this place with family and friends.
The mountains are desolate, apart from the local people who take their farm animals to nibble on the porches. The exquisiteness of Naranag lies in the truth that it is uninhabited, excluding the luxury of natural history. As you climb, there is serenity and even the hum of the river evaporates at several places and even can spot certain species here like raccoons.
At the Naranag valley, you can discover the leftovers of the antique shrine built with bulky granite rocks. The memorial looks enthralling with enormous granite stone blocks latent over one another. In the close locale, there is an undersized village with a limited populace. This temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva.
The trek from Sonamarg to Gangabal, culminating at Naranag is very popular. There are innumerable places that are not lesser in beauty than fantasy lands. Clear water lakes on top of the mountains reflecting perfectly all the shades of blue sky over it are simply magical. If you happen to travel to Naranag, then it would be a mistake not to miss such sites that are located atop the mountains.
Trekking from Naranag to Gangabal usually takes five days and it will be an awesome experience. One will have to trek around 5km to 9km a day. The exact Naranag to Gangabal trek distance is around 11 km, which can take up to 8 .5 hours.
The road to Naranag, which passes through Ganderbal district, is quite fuzzy. It becomes almost difficult to travel during the rainy season. Food can also be a problem as there are no stores or shops except in the village that sells groceries and daily essentials to the locals. Also, the people who are willing to explore the beauty of Naranag must do so with a local guide as the passes and places are not known to many.
Naranag is noted for its scenic meadows, lakes and mountains. It is a base camp for trekking to Mount Haramukh 16,870 ft (5,142 metres) and Gangabal Lake, which are the prominent attraction sites in Jammu and Kashmir. There are also many other peaks and alpine meadows around the Naranag Valley. In the winter, Naranag receives heavy snowfall, during which skiing is practiced.
The village of Naranag lies on the left bank of the Wangath River, which is a tributary of the Sind River. The village is a base camp for trekkers to Mount Haramukh, the Gangabal Lake and Satsar (the seven lakes). It is also a base for the trekkers to Gadsar Lake, the Vishansar Lake and the Krishansar Lake, though it takes five to seven days of trekking.
Naranag temple in Naranag is the main attraction for tourists who are from the Hindu community. It is one of the important archaeological sites in the country. The site consists of a cluster of temples facing each other at a distance of about 200 meters. Historians say that Naranag Temple is dedicated to Lord Shiva or Mahadeva by the 8th-century ruler LalithdatiyaMuktadiya. It is believed that King Awantivarman paid a visit and donated a pedestal for bathing at Bhutsher. The architecture of Naranag Temple reveals the art of the 8th century.
The Naranag-Gangabal trek is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful treks as it is nestled at the foothill of Mount Haramukh and is overwhelmingly one of the most beautiful lakes in the region.
Kashmir Valley is not only famed for its luxuriant green grazing lands, and snow-covered peaks but also for spiritual and chronological places. Naranag is one of the temples, which reminds wonder and is a devotee’s enchantment. The parish of Wangath lies beside the intense forests on the edge of the Bhuteshwara peak range beside the porch of the Kanka River, an arm of the Sindh River. 8 kilometres to the east of Vasishthashrama or Wangath, privileged up in the Sindh valley, lies the blessed Nara-nag.
With a distance of 100 yards, there are two groups of temples. The quick gust, bright moonlight and with the rhythm of the water of the Kanka River is a remembrance view for the Naranag collection of temples. At the auxiliary distance, there is a devoted shrine of Bhairva. The western cluster is familiar with the holy place, which is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Lalit Aditya Muktapida, the king of Kashmir in the eighth century, raised Lord Shiva temples at this place. King Avantivarman came to visit this divine place and offered a platform with silver accomplish for plummeting at Bhutsher.
The road to Naranag, which passes through Ganderbal district, is quite fuzzy. It becomes almost difficult to travel during the rainy season. Food can also be a problem as there are no stores or shops except in the village that sells groceries and daily essentials to the locals. Also, the people who are willing to explore the beauty of Naranag must do so with a local guide as the passes and places are not known to many.
The writer can be mailed at [email protected]

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