Police seize illicit timber in Handwara

Handwara: Police in Handwara have seized huge quantity of illicit timber in village Yahama, area falling under the jurisdiction of Police Station Qalamabad.

During the intervening night of 17/18 Feb, 2023 Police in Handwara have received information that one person namely Amir Aziz Sheikh son of Ab Aziz resident of Yahama has kept illegally acquired forest timber in the courtyard of his house, police said. Accordingly, a police party of PS Qalamabad raided the specific location and seized 50 logs of illicit timber from the said house. However, the accused person involved in the commission of crime is at large and efforts are on to nab him.

A case vide FIR No.09/2023 under relevant sections of law has been registered at Police Station Qalamabad and investigation has been initiated, it said.

“The drive against timber smugglers will continue to ensure protection of green gold. Our consistent actions against anti-social elements should reassure the community members that we are making every effort to keep our society free of crime. Police have resolved to act as per law against those who indulge in criminal & anti-social activities,” police said.

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