There is only education that never discriminates against you. Education brings changes, makes us civilised, improves our moral values, and induces certain positive changes in us. It is well known that there is no alternative to education. Most of the downtrodden communities, families, and countries have been uplifted and encouraged in various fields like the economic sector, health, trade and commerce, and many more.
Today, the print media is playing a vital role in boosting the education sector by various means, like providing adequate knowledge on current affairs and general knowledge; encouraging women by raising their legitimate issues; and putting the case forward to higher authorities for redress.
In all the ten districts and tehsils in the valley, there must be a full-fledged public library that allows for proper functioning 24 hours a day for the aspirants who are preparing for the competitive examinations and that is laced with modern trending books, documents, electronic gadgets, photo printing machines, expert librarians, and all that a full-fledged library needs for proper functioning for the aspirants. Nowadays, the public library is a highlight, and the aspirants have started talking about it. It will boost and enhance the knowledge of our youth, providing them with a knowledgeable hub at a particular place. Today, the world has discovered glorified, advanced, beneficial, amazing, and incredible technologies. There are several advanced technological gadgets around us. Wherever we go, there are bizarre and giant machines, which we are experiencing. Now the question arises! Why? I am discussing such incredible inventions here in this article: One thing is clear and crystal clear: from an educated person to an illiterate person, everyone has known the value of education. ‘’Education is the powerful weapon that never discriminates against you.”
When we have the sense and are able to understand the demands of the time, then why? Should we not go ahead with its implementation, and why not fulfil our genuine demands in the presence of higher-ups? We are well aware that nowadays, education plays a necessary and pivotal role in one’s personal life and in the development of our nations. Education is being applauded worldwide, and the world has produced renowned, eminent scientists in every field, whether in the field of medicine, electronics, or even from a minute to the next, eminent innovations have been invented so far. Today in this article, I am going to explore “how public libraries are essential for our youth who are preparing for the competitive examinations,” and most of the aspirants are suffering in this and that way.
In Kashmir Valley, the education sector plays a pivotal role in bringing talented students from all age groups together on one platform. Where they get a chance to share their valuable thoughts with their counterparts on different social, economic, educational, environmental, moral, ethical, health, and technological topics and get a chance to interact with each other. Since 1989, the whole valley has been going through very hard and tough circumstances due to the tension between two neighbouring nations. But the education sector, the nation-building sector, the sector that brings out the talent of the country, has never had ample chances to experience the taste of education freely. Whenever there is uncertainty in the nation, it directly or indirectly impacts the education sector. The state, district, and tehsil level administrations pass orders for the closure of educational institutes within their domains.
As we know, in Kashmir, most of the population resides in the villages and hamlets (small villages), where they are not even enjoying basic essential facilities. One thing is very fortunate: in the education sector, government administration facilitates children’s access to their fundamental rights, like the “right to education” mentioned in the Indian Constitution. It states that “the Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a fundamental.” How is it possible to educate all the children up to the age of 14 years under such uncertainty and without having indispensable facilities? Now in the present era, we are talking more about education, knowledge, one’s moral behavior, and all that, but we are skipping the important things while discussing all this.
Those students who are preparing for the civil service exams and for the national level exams, prefer to go out of state. Most of the students are preparing in Delhi. Nowadays, the capital has become a hub for aspirants. Why did they leave their homeland and live in a place where they had to manage so many things for their survival? Delhi has become known because its government and society cooperate. The government’s administration should encourage the youth of the state and provide them with adequate and proper facilities so that the aspirants can acquire the knowledge they want. There should not be any hurdles in the way of acquiring knowledge from any medium or gadget. At the district level, authorities should install libraries so that the aspirants will not suffer and will be allowed to acquire as much as they can.

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