Budgam incident: Slain SPO’s brother succcumbs; toll 2

Budgam: The brother of slain Special Police Officer (SPO) who was seriously wounded in yesterday’s militant attack in Budgam, also succumbed this morning at Srinagar hospital, the number of causulities in the incident goes to two.

An official said that Umer Jan, a student and the brother of slain SPO succumbed to his injuries at 5 am at JVC hospital Bemina,” he said.

Umer’s bother SPO Ishfaq Ahmad, son of Ghulam Muhammad had received serious bullet wounds and was declared brought dead at the hospital. Umer was battling for life but breathed his last today morning.

Kashmir zone police yesterday had tweeted that “SPO Ishfaq Ahmad and his brother Umar Jan (a student) were fired upon by Militants at their residence in village Chadbugh area of Budgam. However Ishfaq Ahmad succumbed to his injuries & attained martyrdom. Area cordoned off, search operation in progress.”—(KNO)

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